DCR alerts beachgoers about giant jellyfish spotted at Nahant Beach

Staff Writer
The Milford Daily News
Lion's Mane Jellyfish

NAHANT — The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation is warning people heading to the beach about the presence of a lion's mane jellyfish in at least one town.

The DCR said the lion's mane jellyfish, also known as the giant jellyfish, was spotted at Nahant Beach.

"The Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) is warning the public of the presence of lion’s mane jellyfish at Nahant Beach in the Town of Nahant," an advisory from the state agency said Friday. "Additionally, the agency has posted purple flags at the beach, which indicate the presence of dangerous marine animals."

The jellyfish is the largest known species of jellyfish in the world and typically likes the colder ocean water off the coast of the Northeast.

Nahant Beach is currently posted under purple flag conditions for hazardous marine life.

The town said biologists were en route to determine the appropriate hazard level and necessary additional precautions, if any.

The jellyfish can vary greatly in size, but can reach a diameter of over 6 feet.

Most encounters with humans can cause temporary pain and localized redness. In normal circumstances, and in healthy individuals, their stings are not known to be fatal.