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  • Can a 70 Year Old Gain Muscle Mass?
  • How Often Should a 70 Year Old Man Lift Weights?
  • What Is the Quickest Way for Elderly People to Regain Muscle Mass?

Arnold Schwarzenegger is 76. And he has massive biceps. What's more, he loves showing them off and has inspired many of the same age that it's still possible to build muscle in later life.

In his latest newsletter, Pump Club, the Men's Health hero of muscle has brought some interesting research to our attention. The study, published by Age (Dordr), split 24 elderly participants aged 90+ into two groups and compared the results of those who underwent strength training twice a week for 12 weeks with those who didn't. At the end of the three months, those in the strength training group significantly improved daily tasks and a reduced incidence of falls. In addition, they also showed enhanced muscle power and strength in comparison to the non training group. Giving us hope that we can see muscular gains during our senior years just like Schwarzenegger.


There are a multitude of studies available showing that strength training in later life is important for increasing longevity and reducing mortality – grip strength is a key indicator for a variety of health outcomes in the elderly.

Can a 70 Year Old Gain Muscle Mass?

Yes. You'll be pleased to know that it's entirely possible to build muscle well into your 70s and onwards. What is important is that you build a programme that you can complete consistently and support your training with adequate nutrition.

As we age, the recommended protein intake increases to maintain muscle mass, as recommended by a review published in Clinical Revision:

  • A protein intake of 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram per day, or about 15–20% of total calorie intake to maximise health and function.

A study published by the same journal recommended an 'even higher intake for individuals with severe illness or injury, and daily physical activity or exercise [resistance training, aerobic exercise] should be undertaken by all older people, for as long as possible.'

Regarding how much protein per meal, a review published in Nutrition & Metabolism recommends:

  • A dietary plan that includes at least 20 grams and as high as 30 grams of high quality protein per meal.
senior man wearing sports top gulping health drink from container
10'000 Hours//Getty Images

How Often Should a 70 Year Old Man Lift Weights?

The frequency of training sessions by a 70 year old man will largely depend on their exercise history, preferences, time constraints and current strength levels. It's important that a programme is suitable for the individuals capabilities. A study published by Acta Physiol Scand, stated that participants who safely took part in three resistance training sessions a week saw significant results in muscle gains. Two to five resistance training sessions a week with adequate rest days, depending on abilities and exercise history would be suitable for a 70 year old man.

    senior fit man weight lifting with personal trainer in gym sport club mature bodybuilder doing workout session bodybuilding and fitness concept
    Alessandro Biascioli//Getty Images

    What Is the Quickest Way for Elderly People to Regain Muscle Mass?

    1. Consistency: Follow a resistance training programme consistently that is suited to your abilities. Twice a week is sufficient. As long as you get enough rest, your could train more frequently.
    2. Progressive Overload: The resistance training sessions must follow the principal of progressive overload. This means that the workout difficulty will increase over time in line with the participants progress. This could include: increasing reps, sets, weight, range of movement or decreasing rest time.
    3. Nutrition: It's important that you firstly consume enough calories to support your exercise, but also consume enough protein. 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram per day and 20-30 grams per meal should be sufficient.
    4. Patience: While studies show that muscle building can be more difficult in later years, it's not impossible. Stay patient and consistent and you'll gain muscle mass.