Beargrass mass bloom delights hikers

Kristen Inbody
Great Falls Tribune
Beargrass blooms along the trail to Scenic Point in the Two Medicine region of Glacier National Park.

This is shaping up to be a grand year for beargrass.

The showy wildflower, an unofficial symbol of Glacier National Park, blooms unpredictably every 3-10 years.

Besides in the park, great places to enjoy the blooms are the West Fork of Teton Pass (beyond the ski area), Montana Highway 200 near Lincoln and Montana Highway 49 from East Glacier to Kiowa Junction. 

Beargrass, or Xerophyllum tenax, blooms prolifically when climate conditions are ideal, such as just the right amount of rain and moisture in the soil.

Every year, the park sees some beargrass blooming, but the mass bloomings tend to be every five to 10 years in the park, according to the park service.

The Lewis and Clark first called the plant "beargrass," but it's not a grass but a member of the Melanthiaceae family. It's found across the Pacific Northwest. The plant grows up to five feet tall with grass-like leaves at the base of a stalk that holds a cluster of little white flowers.

Bears don't eat them but do use leaves as denning material, according to the park service. Native Americans used beargrass leaves for baskets and roots for medicine.

Blooming typically starts in late May in lower elevations. The high country typically has blooms in August.

Another good year, on the west side of the park, was 2013. 

If you spotted a good blooming, please share your picture in an email to to add to the gallery.

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