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DBFZ > Kid Buu
Kid Buu Dragon Ball FighterZ artwork

Kid Buu Dragon Ball FighterZ moves list, strategy guide, combos and character overview


Tier Ranking: 5th DBFZ Tiers Popularity: 18th

Kid Buu was included among the base roster of Dragon Ball FighterZ's initial 24 playable characters when the game released on February 26, 2018.

The pink demon first appeared as the primary antagonist of the Majin Buu Saga of Dragon Ball Z with this being his final and most powerful form.

Unlike the base Majin Buu, this transformation is much smaller and faster with a more destructive, animalistic personality and fighting style.

As such, it's fitting that Kid Buu has arguably the most agressive playstyle in DBFZ even now with a variety of moves that keeps opponents stuck in place and guessing what's coming next.

Mystic Ball Attack allows him to get in from anywhere on the screen while remaining safe on block to get the party going, and Arm Ball can be one of the best Assists in the game for mixups when timed correctly.

The only real downsides to the character are his lower than average damage and less than stellar anti airs, but he more than makes up for that with a versatile and oppressive toolkit.

Kid Buu is a great character to pick up for players who want an easy way to get in on the enemy even if he's not as strong as he once was.

Although Kid Buu remained an absolute top tier for much of DBFZ's life, a string of later nerfs knocked him down a few pegs while remaining a powerful threat.

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BrinkFayX posted March 22, 2018

Kid Buu's strings are pretty linear, so learning how to properly block and punish them will be the most helpful, since there are very few different things a Kid Buu can do. That being said, not blocking and punishing properly will absolutely decimate your team, so be cautious when fighting Kid Buu.

strike58 posted February 2, 2018

Kid Buu has nearly everything. Speed, long ranged normals, beams, reliable down+H, mystic ball that is safe on block and can even confuse enemy about his whereabouts, ability to punish enemy from long distance regardless if he is on the ground or airborne, high damage. His only weakness are supers which arent that great when used raw but as meta matures supers are less and less used outside of the combos so it will be smaller flaw in future (because its not big one even now).

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