China Eastern Airlines Boeing 737 crash: Flight MU5735 crash 132 passengers

China Eastern Airlines Boeing 737 crash

Wia dis foto come from, Getty Images

Wetin we call dis foto, Di crash, wey happun for one mountainous region, lead to fire inside di woods, state media dey report

One China Eastern Airlines Boeing 737 plane wey dey carry 132 pipo on board don crash for Guangxi province, Chinese state media dey report am.

123 passengers and nine crew members na im dey board, di Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAA) tok.

E no dey clear di number of causalities. Social media users and China goment TV share video wen flight MU5735 wey carry 132 pipo crash.

Di crash, wey happun for one mountainous region, lead to fire inside di woods, state media dey report.

Flight MU5735 dey scheduled to comot Kunming at 13:15 and e dey enroute to Guangzhou.

Dem don deploy rescue crews to di area and dem don put out di fire wey di crash cause for inside di woods.

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Fear be say nobody on di aircraft survive di crash.

Di CAA say dem don also dispatcch personnel to di scene.

China bin don get a good air safety record over di past decade.

Latest tori be say China don ban Boeing 737 plane for di kontri.

And China state media dey reprt say rescue don dey put out di fire.

China Eastern Airlines' website don turn 'black and white', a sign of mourning, following di crash of di Boeing 737 on Monday.

Di kontri last major plane accident na for August 2010, wen one flight from Harbin crash for Yichun kill 42 pipo.

China Eastern neva comment on di crash, or respond to queries, but e don change im logo on im Weibo account to a grey colour.

Flight tracking sites report say di plane bin dey for air for just one hour.

Di plane crash near di city of Wuzhou for Teng County. Guangxi na one southern province neighbouring Guangzhou, one major city for di south-east.

State media CCTV report say dem don deploy rescue crews to di area.

According to FlightRadar24 data, di last source information on di flight show say e end at 14:22 local time, at an altitude of 3,225 ft.

China Eastern Airlines Boeing 737 crash: How di plane accident happun?

E no dey clear wetin cause di crash but di China Eastern Airlines Boeing 737.

Di passenger plane bin dey fly from Kunming to Guangzhou wen e come down for hills for Guangxi province and catch fire.

Flight MU5735 bin leave Kunming for 13:11 local time (05:11 GMT) and e bin dey scheduled to arrive for Guangzhou at 15:05.

Flight tracking sites report say di plane bin dey for air for just over an hour, and e dey near im destination wen e went down for Wuzhou.