Light Red Color


Light red is a whitish shade of red that has the hex color code #FF7F7F. The simplest way to make light red is to add some white to the color red.

Light Red Color

Light Red Color Code

In the next table you can find the RGB, CMYK, and Hex color codes for light red.

Hex: #FF7F7F
RGB: 255 127 127
CMYK: 0 64 39 0

Light Red vs Pink

Light red and pink are similar in their bright, warm tones, but they differ in their undertones. Pink has a more pronounced purple or blue undertone, while light red leans towards orange or yellow undertones. This gives light red a slightly more vibrant and energetic feel compared to the softer, more muted pink.

What Colors Go With Light Red?

Light red pairs well with black, white, and navy blue. These colors provide a striking contrast to the brightness of light red while adding sophistication and balance to any design.