Samurai Jack Vs Aku (Samurai Jack)

Samurai Jack Vs Aku (Samurai Jack)

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Samurai Jack Vs Aku (Samurai Jack)

Title: Samurai Jack Vs Aku (Samurai Jack)
Pixel Artist: Lord cronos  (Level 4 MSX :: 1516 points)
Posted: 6/26/2021 16:26
Palette: 52 colors
Statistics:  5 comments    2 faves    0 avatars

Yesterday I made this pixel art of samurái jack (which is one of my favorite series from my childhood) with a more ´´comic´´ tone, I tried to use more contrasting colors, at the same time using a side lighting to generate synchro with the sword shading.

The most difficult thing about this design was to make Aku inside the sword, which it took me all night to do, due to the fact that the proportions of the katana at first were too thin to have a character inside it as a reflection . However I managed to place it and thus generate a kind of reflection within this illustration.

* Samurái Jack's intro song plays *

I hope you like it.


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DioShiba (Level 4 Shoggoth (The Mountains of Madness)) @ 6/29/2021 11:37

I like the composition of the piece, but the conflicting sizes between the pixels on Jack's facial features and the shadow are detracting from the piece and feels unnecessarily rough.

Lord cronos (Level 4 MSX) @ 6/29/2021 09:09

Thank you! the truth, the shadow of the face, the color and that the lighting according to the sword is from left to right, so I felt that the side shadow would be more faithful to the design.

gawrone (Level 11 Bonsai) @ 6/29/2021 02:20

I hear the song in my head now. I have to say that I enjoy the different pixel sizes. Why the shadow on the face breats the pattern? To look smoother?

Lord cronos (Level 4 MSX) @ 6/27/2021 12:26

Hi thanks! the truth was the most difficult thing was to make the katana, however simple it may seem if it was the most complicated of the whole design. Thank you very much the truth.

Catalinul (Level 2 Flatfoot) @ 6/27/2021 02:24

Nice work! I used to watch this show some 18 years ago when I was little. I like the swoard with the Aku's reflection, nice touch!

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Samurai Jack Vs Aku (Samurai Jack) avatars, Samurai Jack Vs Aku (Samurai Jack) icons, Samurai Jack Vs Aku (Samurai Jack) pixel art, Samurai Jack Vs Aku (Samurai Jack) forum avatars, Samurai Jack Vs Aku (Samurai Jack) AOL Buddy Icons

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