Pumpkin Paratha Recipe | Easy Lunchbox Meal

Pumpkin Paratha Recipe- Easy Lunchbox Meal

If one had to pick one dish which is extremely versatile in Indian cuisine , it is parathas. Somewhat like the fried rice of Asian and pasta of Italian cuisines. There are so many ways that parathas adapt to one’s palette, hunger and occasion .

Parathas are Versatile

Need a quick fix yet wholesome and easy lunchbox meal for  kids? Add desired vegetable purees to the dough like pumpkin, spinach or avocado. need a heavy breakfast , stuff in the vegetables of choice and fry or looking for something more celebratory or indulgent, bring them on the keema parathas. There is a paratha for every occasion, don’t you think?

Our Indian household like may others makes parathas of all kinds. Aaloo and paneer  parathas remain on top of the list.They are practically inhaled each time we make them. Pumpkin paratha on the other hand is one of my favourite ways to incorporate pumpkin into my kids’ diet. It is also an easy lunchbox meal to pack.

The dough can be made the night before.Next morning you just need to roll it out, cook, wrap it in a foil with dips of choice and your are good to go! Cook it in ghee to get the best taste and flavours. You can also use low fat butter if you are counting calories. And if you want a no ghee option too, check out my Avocado paratha recipe here.

In terms of the recipe, pumpkin paratha is really a no brainer . All we need is some wholewheat flour, oil or ghee, pureed pumpkin , salt and spices of choice and we are set.

Some helpful tips to making soft yet flaky pumpkin paratha:

  1. The most important step to making flaky parathas is to get the fat to mix well with the gluten in wholewheat flour. In order to do this we add some ghee to the flour and rub it well between our palms for 5-10 minutes before you start to knead the dough with other ingredients
  2. Raw grated pumpkin can be used to make parathas too after you grate and squeeze out excess water . However boiled and pureed pumpkin makes softer parathas
  3. If you are having the parathas by themselves and not with a dip or side dish then you can add some additional spices like garam masala, cumin powder, coriander powder to make it more flavourful. In this recipe I have only used some coriander powder along with some whole spices like carom and nigella seeds which not just add to the flavour but also make the parathas easily digestible.
  4. Always keep the dough covered with a moist muslin even as you pull out small pieces to roll out the dough
  5. If you are making the dough the night before make sure to bring it to room temperature 15 minutes before rolling it out
  6. When cooking the parathas keep the flame on medium low and let it cook for a few minutes flipping sides before increasing the flame and adding ghee or oil to cook further
  7. Little to no water is needed while kneading as the pumpkin puree is enough to make dough; even if you end up adding water be sure to add a few sprinkles at a time.  Sometimes just wet hands are enough
  8. If for some reason the dough starts to get too sticky , add some more flour and continue to knead till it reaches the right consistency – soft and pliable but not sticky.

Bonus tip- The parathas freeze very well too. If freezing, cook only 50% on both sides, then smear little oil or ghee on both sides. Store them in a zip-lock bag by placing a piece of baking parchment approximately the same size of parathas in between two parathas and sealing the bag well.

Pumpkin Paratha Recipe- Easy Lunchbox Meal

Making Pumpkin Parathas

  1. Half a small pumpkin, pureed (approximately 3/4 cup)
  2. Wholewheat flour (aatta)-  1 cup
  3. Coriander powder- 1/2 teaspoon
  4. Turmeric- 1/2 teaspoon
  5. Nigella seeds- 1/4 teaspoon
  6. Carom seeds- 1/4 teaspoon
  7. Salt- 1/2 teaspoon or to taste
  8. Ghee or oil – 1 tablespoon for the dough and some more to fry the parathas
  9. Water as needed
  1. In a deep and wide bowl add 1 tablespoon ghee and flour and mix well by rubbing between your palms; continue for five minutes or so
  2. Add the remaining ingredients except water and continue to knead the dough until a soft and pliable mass is formed
  3. Cover with a soft muslin and let it rest for 10 minutes ; you can even start to cook the parathas right away but letting the dough rest helps it soften further
  4. Place a tava or flat thick bottomed skillet on the flame while you roll out a tennis ball sized dough into a thin , round paratha. Make sure the pressure on the rolling pin isn’t too strong else the paratha wouldn’t roll out evenly
  5. When the iron skillet is hot, reduce the flame to medium and carefully place the paratha on the pan.
    Once you see air bubble start to form, flip it over till bubbles form again, then smear 1 teaspoon of ghee along the periphery of the paratha and on the surface.
  6. Cook gently pressing down with a spatula till the paratha starts to puff up. This takes approximately 10-15 secs
  7. Flip and cook the other side similarly making sure you do not over cook or burn the paratha.
    Drain it on a kitchen towel to soak excess oil and enjoy with a side of freshly set yogurt, mint chutney or even ketchup and a hot cup of masala chaiPumpkin Paratha Recipe- Easy Lunchbox Meal
Pumpkin Paratha Recipe- Easy Lunchbox Meal

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total Time: 40 minutes

Yield: 100

Serving Size: Makes approximately 8 medium sized parathas


  • Half a small pumpkin, pureed (approximately 3/4 cup)
  • Wholewheat flour (aatta)- 1 cup
  • Coriander powder- 1/2 teaspoon
  • Turmeric- 1/2 teaspoon
  • Nigella seeds- 1/4 teaspoon 
  • Carom seeds- 1/4 teaspoon
  • Salt- 1/2 teaspoon or to taste 
  • Ghee or oil - 1 tablespoon for the dough and some more to fry the parathas 
  • Water as needed


  1. In a deep and wide bowl add 1 tablespoon ghee and flour and mix well by rubbing between your palms; continue for five minutes or so
  2. Add the remaining ingredients except water and continue to knead the dough until a soft and pliable mass is formed
  3. Cover with a soft muslin and let it rest for 10 minutes ; you can even start to cook the parathas right away but letting the dough rest helps it soften further
  4. Place a tava or flat thick bottomed skillet on the flame while you roll out a tennis ball sized dough into a thin, round paratha. Make sure the pressure on the rolling pin isn't too strong else the paratha wouldn't roll out evenly
  5. When the iron skillet is hot, reduce the flame to medium and carefully place the paratha on the pan.
Once you see air bubble start to form, flip it over till bubbles form again, then smear 1 teaspoon of ghee along the periphery of the paratha and on the surface;cook gently pressing down with a spatula till the paratha starts to puff up. This takes approximately 10-15 secs
  6. Flip and cook the other side similarly making sure you do not over cook or burn the paratha.
Drain it on a kitchen towel to soak excess oil and enjoy with a side of freshly set yogurt, mint chutney or even ketchup and a hot cup of masala chai

Pumpkin Paratha Recipe- Easy Lunchbox Meal

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    September 30, 2020 at 4:46 pm

    The recipe looks delicious. Its good to start the day with this breakfast recipe. I really like this recipe and thanks for sharing it. Keep sharing more recipes. You can try some spicy taste for your recipes with our variety of spices at https://annapurnaspices.com.

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