Asiatic Lilies

With its big flowers and often bright tropic colors, the Asiatic Lily (also known as Tiger Lily) is one of the most attractive flowers that bloom in summer.  Although they are not as fragrant as other types of lilies, they still emit a pleasant scent in the garden or in the home.

The shortest type of lily, the Asiatic Lily needs at least six hours of sunshine to grow. Hence, plant them in sunny or partly sunny areas in your garden. It is good to plant the bulbs in the Fall before the freezing temperature in winter. Plant the bulbs of the Asitaic Lilies three times as deep as the length of the bulb. It is good to plant the bulbs as soon as you get them as they tend to dry out if they are left unused for a while. Asiatic lilies like soil that is a bit acidic.

Place these lilies in a place that is hard for deers to get as Asiastic Lilies are edible. (trust me, we have learnt it the hard way!) Groundhogs, rabbits and voles can eat the bulbs as well.

Asiatic Lily plants need a minimum of 1 inch of water every week (make sure the soil is not dry). Remove the flowers from the Asiatic Lily as they start to go away. This will help limit the Asiastic Lily from using access energy to make seeds.

Lilies are toxic to cats and many varieties of lilies are also poisonous for  humans. However, the buds of the Asiatic lilies are edible. In fact, you could find dried lily buds sold in many Asian supermarkets for cooking. Lily bulbs, dubbed ‘golden needles,’ are frequently used for vegetarian cooking.

Even if you don’t find them palatable to the tastebud, Asiatic lilies are a lovely sight to behold, and very easy to grow.


Badgett, Becca 2019. Planting Asiatic Lilies: Information about the Asiatic Lily. Gardening Know How.

 Available at lily/planting-asiatic-lilies.htm [Accessed 7 August 2020].

All about Asiatic Lily – History, Meaning, Facts, Care, & More | Flower Delivery Singapore. 2019. Flower Delivery Singapore.

 Available at l-about-asiatic-lily-history-meaning-facts-care-mo re/ [Accessed 8 August 2020].

Almanac, O.F. n.d. Lilies. Old Farmer’s Almanac. Available at [Accessed 7 August 2020].

Jones, E. 2020. How to Plant Asiatic Lily | Happy DIY Home. Happy DIY Home. Available at [Accessed 8 August 2020].

Sharma, M. James 2018. Asiatic Lily: Types, Characteristics, Methods of Cultivation & Care. Welcome to the Famous Caffeine Blog.

 Available at [Accessed 10 August 2020].

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