Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Quote of the Day


Author Annie Proulx, the woman responsible for amongst other things (but most importantly) giving the world the story "Brokeback Mountain," has had enough of your Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist fan-fictions, people! She tells The Wall Street Journal (via Towleroad):

"'Brokeback Mountain' has had little effect on my writing life, but is the source of constant irritation in my private life. There are countless people out there who think the story is open range to explore their fantasies and to correct what they see as an unbearably disappointing story. They constantly send ghastly manuscripts and pornish rewrites of the story to me, expecting me to reply with praise and applause for 'fixing' the story. They certainly don't get the message that if you can't fix it you've got to stand it. Most of these 'fix-it' tales have the character Ennis finding a husky boyfriend and living happily ever after, or discovering the character Jack is not really dead after all, or having the two men's children meet and marry, etc., etc."

She goes on to insinuate the majority of these overheated fantasies seem to be coming from woman-hating closet-cases, too.

Hmm, I guess I ought to throw out my one-thousand page Brokeback 2 manuscript then? It's an epic, and involves Jesus coming in a time-machine and rescuing Jack and Ennis and all the gay men from the lonely mid-century frontier. And then they have an orgy on the moon! Naturally. It rocks. Damn you, Annie Proulx! My vision will be realized someday.



Anonymous said...

The orgy in the moon. That's why I love your blog.

Anonymous said...


"on the moon"