Not my realization...

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I didn't write this, but its worth your time. Take a look at this:

*Tonoscope - Science Proving Rishi’s Right*
Dr. Hans Jenny, a pioneer in the field of cymatics, the study of the interrelation-ship between energy and matter, conducted a series of experiments on the Hindu mantra “OM”, utilizing a tonoscope which is a device that transforms sounds into their visual representations on a screen. Dr Jenny found that when “OM” was correctly intoned into a tonoscope, a circle appeared which is then filled in with concentric squares and triangles, finally producing, as the last traces of the ‘M’ disappear from the screen, the core structure of the Sri Chakra. These experiments are a scientific confirmation of what the Rishis had cognized....

In his research with the tonoscope, Jenny noticed that when the vowels of the ancient languages of Hebrew and Sanskrit were pronounced, the sand took the shape of the written symbols for these vowels. Experimentation with modern languages generally produced chaos. Is it possible that the ancient Hebrews and Indians knew this? Could there be something to the concept of "sacred language?" Would other sacred languages produce similar results i.e. Tibetan, Egyptian or Chinese. These languages have always proposed that they have the capacity to influence and transform physical reality through the recitation or chanting of sacred syllables and mantras.

 These languages have always proposed that they have the capacity to influence and transform physical reality through the recitation or chanting of sacred syllables and mantras

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Certainly, the words of sadhus hadn't been a "myth" as people believe it to be, and scientists are realizing that. Its just, we cannot perceive certain things but that doesn't mean it never even existed. Its just as we cannot see a table at night. But that doesn't mean that table is not there.

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