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Shasta daisy is possibly the oldest hybridized American garden flower. Large, bright white flowers bloom continuously from summer to fall, making it a beautiful addition to any perennial garden. ... The 3" blooms attract bees and butterflies, and make great cut flowers.

Daisies are a summertime classic, and if you're looking to add some in your garden, this popular hybrid is one of the best. It's got all the looks of traditional daisies, with the addition of multiple flowers on each stalk. It is very easy to grow, and loved in colder climates for its increased hardiness. Makes a beautiful display in containers, where it's easily accessible by the butterflies that love it. Use it in a perennial border, where you can grab some for cut flower displays and enjoy its return each summer. You'll also want to divide this variety in 3 or 4 years, which keeps it healthy, and you can either plant divisions in other parts of your garden for a unified look, or give the divisions to a lucky friend.

Zone: 3-9
Life Cycle: Perennial

Sun Exposure: Full Sun

Soil Moisture: Well drained, average garden soil.

Height: 24" - 36"

Bloom Time: July, August, September (Summer)

Bloom Color: Yellow & White

ABOUT THESE SEEDS: SEEDS FRESHLY HARVESTED from right here on our Unique Creek Homestead!


Alaska Shasta Daisy Leucanthemum superbum Organically Grown

  • Zone: 3-9
    Life Cycle: Perennial
    Sun Exposure: Full Sun
    Soil Moisture: Well drained, average garden soil.
    Height: 24" - 36"
    Bloom Time: July, August, September (Summer)
    Bloom Color: Yellow & White

    ABOUT THESE SEEDS: SEEDS FRESHLY HARVESTED 2021 from right here on our Unique Creek Homestead!

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