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THIS mind boggling optical illusion has a hidden animal in its midst... can you spot the elusive creature?

There's a special trick to make the optical illusion work, but only those with eagle eyes can solve the puzzle without using it.

Can you see the outline of a familiar animal?
Can you see the outline of a familiar animal?Credit: Reddit

At first, the image may just seem like an endless compilation of black and white zigzag lines.

But upon closer look, something is off - there's a shape in the tricky illusion, initially posted on Reddit.

One user said: "My eyes are watering just looking at this."

Another said: "Scroll up and down quickly, or swipe left then right."


One curious viewer said: "Weird how when I stare at it, I don't see shit, but when I scrolled down or back up, he jumped right out!"

Have you managed to find the animal?

The trick is to scroll your phone or computer up and down quickly - there should be a shape of a familiar jungle animal hidden in the image - did you spot the gorilla?

If this puzzle didn't tickle your fancy, why not try a few others of our challenging optical illusions?

This clever illusion can reveal hidden aspects of your personality - it all depends on what you see first though.

The image shows a the profile of a man's face with slick, black hair on his head.

However, so eagle-eyes viewers didn't see the man first at all and instead spotted a small penguin.

So which did you see first?

The way that different people approach solving brainteasers, optical illusions, and other problems can reveal a lot about their thought processes and personalities.

If you can spot the woman in this optical illusion without help, then you are detail orientated.

If you enjoyed that, why not find out more about your personality with this word search?

Or, test your vision by seeing how quickly you can spot the bird that caught the worm.


This optical illusion will reveal if you are nostalgic or forward-thinking.
