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Stay of proceedings against Tony Accurso: 10 years of work scrapped

MONTREAL - The trial of Tony Accurso and his co-defendants, the result of a decade of investigative work by authorities into corruption at the Canada Revenue Agency, collapsed on Thursday. The work required to provide the additional 802 boxes of evidence requested by the defence on time was found to be simply insurmountable.

3 min read

Tony Accurso’s trial had been stalled for months. PHOTO ROBERT SKINNER, LA PRESSE ARCHIVES

MONTREAL - The trial of Tony Accurso and his co-defendants, the result of a decade of investigative work by authorities into corruption at the Canada Revenue Agency, collapsed on Thursday. The work required to provide the additional 802 boxes of evidence requested by the defence on time was found to be simply insurmountable.

“My client is happy, very relieved,” said Marc Labelle, who represented Accurso together with his colleague Kim Hogan.


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