Riverboat Gamblers

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Columbus, OH, US Change
  1. Oct


    Gainesville, FL, US

    THE FEST 22

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Upcoming concerts (1)

  1. Oct


    Gainesville, FL, US

    THE FEST 22

Live reviews

  • Recently, I had the chance to see the punk rock band “The Riverboat Gamblers” live in concert, and I must say, it was worth every penny. They have been on the Punk Rock scene for several years now, but are still bringing it hard every night as I found out.

    When I saw them, they were playing a larger festival. I had gone with several friends and we all pick the bands we were looking forward to seeing. As I had not seen the Riverboat Gamblers before, I thought, “tonight is the night I scratch this one off the list”. I got to the stage just as the band was performing the sound check. The fans were getting pumped up, jumping up and down before the music had even started.

    Then Mike Wiebe, the vocalist, took the stage. He was swinging the microphone around and around and beating it against his chest. As the other band members took the stage, loud distortion rang out before the band started playing “A Choppy, Yet Sincere Apology”. The second they did the crowd broke out into a circle pit.

    There was so much energy being put off by the band, the audience couldn’t stop moving. It all came together before the final song, which was one of the best moments in the set. As the band started playing “Ice water” Mike Wiebe jumped off the stage and into the crowd, joining the circle pit for the end of the song. It was a great show.

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    By Anonymous

Past concerts

  1. Apr


    Denton, TX, US

    Fry Street

  2. Feb


    Long Beach, CA, US

    Alex's Bar

  3. Feb


    Long Beach, CA, US

    Alex's Bar

View all past concerts

Riverboat Gamblers tour dates and tickets 2024-2025 near you

Want to see Riverboat Gamblers in concert? Find information on all of Riverboat Gamblers’s upcoming concerts, tour dates and ticket information for 2024-2025.

Riverboat Gamblers is not due to play near your location currently - but they are scheduled to play 1 concert across 1 country in 2024-2025. View all concerts.
