Tim and Eric’s Awesome Show, Great Job!

There do not exist two more awkward people than comedians Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim. They’re both squirmy, stuttering, clumsy, and just downright nerdy. Luckily for them, audiences are fascinated by it all—Tim and Eric’s Awesome Show, Great Job! has become a cult sensation on Adult Swim. Will Ferrell, Marilyn Manson, Zach Galifianakis, and John Mayer have all appeared on the sketch comedy show. (Particularly addictive are Channel 5’s Only Married News Team and the health tips from John C. Reilly’s lovable Dr. Steve Brule.) Now, somewhat frighteningly, Tim and Eric are undertaking a live tour to promote their “Chrimbus special,” which airs on December 5. Tonight’s show will include new videos, the raucous standup comic Neil Hamburger, and music from Tim and Eric’s band, Pusswhip Banggang. Yet no one really knows what Chrimbus is. In a recent interview on tvsquad.com, Wareheim explained, “Chrimbus is a holiday celebrated on December fifth. There’s a guy named Winter Man that comes and inspects your Chrimbus bush, and if it’s nice and trim and nice and wet, you get a present. But if it’s unkempt and messy and dry, you don’t get a present.” Maybe we really just don’t want to know. ERIN K. THOMPSON

Mon., Nov. 1, 7 p.m., 2010