Inside the Sherman Room

This story is from Mary McKinley, who operates the Sherman Room at the Mansfield Richland County Public Library. The Sherman Room is a treasure trove of local historical content. For more of Mary’s posts, blogs, and content, be sure to check out this link.

MANSFIELD — Tired of the bleak winter weather? Roll along with us through a few images of the old Coliseum.

The structure type of the American “coliseum” is based on the architecture of the Roman amphitheaters, most notably the Colosseum in Rome, and shared its entertainment purpose.

Whereas the Colosseum was used for animal hunts and other displays of strength, the American coliseum was more usually a venue for dancing or expositions of a more peaceful nature. The Los Angeles Coliseum hosted the 1932 and 1984 Olympic Games.

Ohio Stadium in Columbus shares some of its architectural principles with the Colosseum.

The Mansfield Coliseum was built in 1921 by local Rupert Cox at Luna Park (now North Lake Park) after the original roller coaster at the park was taken down to make room for the large structure.

The building was the home to many fun events for the community, from the regular availability of the roller skating rink to fashion shows, cooking expositions, and even car shows.

The first Coliseum burned in 1967, and was rebuilt, this time with a second story that featured a meeting room. It continued to be the home for competitive and casual roller skating in Mansfield until 2005, when the new structure also suffered a fire. The building was demolished in 2006.

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