Cute Coati

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How cute is this Coati? I loved the pose this one gave me for this shot. It had been laying in this spot for a while and my plan was to try to get a bit closer to take a wide angle photo with my phone since all of the other Coati around me were walking up so close they almost touched me. I saw the nice light and background and instead took this telephoto portrait which I loved. A bit later this one got up and walked away with the rest of the group.

•Location: Costa Rica

•Exposure: 1/320 @f/2.8 

•ISO: 1,000

•Exposure Mode: Aperture Priority

•Focal Length: 400mm

•Lens: Nikon Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S

•Camera: Nikon Z9

Ray Hennessy
Nature photography has become a very passionate hobby of mine and whenever I get a chance I love to get outside and enjoy being outdoors. I am also the co-owner of KGM Expressions, a wedding and portrait photography business, with my wife Kim. This is how we make our living and I love that we get to do that together.

Coati - Minute of Wildlife


Crimson fronted Parakeet - Minute of Wildlife