002 | Embrace Imperfection: The Secret to Growth & Connection with Monica Packer

Embrace Imperfection: The Secret to Growth and Connection with Monica Packer


Perfectionism isn’t just putting your best foot forward, having high standards, or worrying about tiny details. Perfectionism is a fear-based mindset that keeps you from trying new things, sticking to challenging goals, and sharing your talents with others. It keeps you hustling for external validation or hiding in the shadows to avoid judgment.

Progress Over Perfection

As a self-identified “recovering perfectionist,” Monica Packer is leading a movement to help women overcome fear of failure and rejection by focusing on “progress over perfection.” Her inspiring podcast, About Progress, is a product of her own courage to try something new and embrace the messy growth process.

In this interview, Monica shares her journey from paralyzed perfectionist to determined “progressor”—a term she uses to describe her community members. She speaks candidly about her eating disorder and how her “perfect” life began unravelling while she was studying in Europe, at the epicenter of everything she loved.

The Truth about Perfectionism

Monica explains that, at its core, perfectionism is driven by a desire to live above the human condition, without flaws or weaknesses. It’s a destructive force that keeps you looking side-to-side—comparing and competing—which disconnects you from others, your Higher Power, and your own intuition. Monica offers practical advice for overcoming perfectionism and embracing a growth mindset.

Also in this episode

  • The dark and destructive consequences of perfectionism.

  • Ditching the “idealized woman” and creating a better vision for your life.

  • How to make a “Do Something Bucket List” to explore your passions.

  • Two types of perfectionism: overachieving and underachieving.

Show Notes

Note: This list includes Amazon affiliate links to books mentioned in this episode. I receive a small commission for products purchased through these links, which helps to support free content on the podcast.

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Connect with Monica Packer
Instagram | Website | Podcast

The Gifts of Imperfection (Book)

Free Class: How to Create a Life Blueprint

Rachel’s Interview on About Progress: “Using Self-Love to Rebuild after Loss”

Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife

Monica’s 2019 “Do Something Bucket List”

About Progress: “Underachieving Perfectionist“

Monica’s Small Group Coaching