Journalist, style icon and Aussie racing royal Kate Waterhouse, 39, shares 9 of the most important things she has learnt about life. 

1. THE MOST IMPORTANT LESSON THAT MUM [THOROUGHBRED TRAINER] GAI WATERHOUSE EVER TAUGHT ME…was to work hard at whatever I do, to be positive and, above all, be kind to others. She’s been such a great role model to me and I’m lucky to have her as my mum.

2. I BELIEVE IT’S ALWAYS GOOD MANNERS TO… listen to people. You can have a million small conversations, but it’s important to really hear what people say. You can never stop learning.

3. STYLE IS… all about being authentic to yourself. You can take trends and still make them your own.

4. WHEN I WAS 21, I USED TO THINK THAT LIFE AT MY AGE WOULD BE REALLY BORING. HAHA... but I probably didn’t realise how the simple things in life are the most important and enjoyable. There’s nothing I like more than to be with my kids and husband [former professional rugby league player Luke Ricketson] and doing simple things like going to the beach or taking a walk somewhere. At 21, I couldn’t imagine that.

5. WHAT I’VE LEARNT ABOUT TRUE FRIENDSHIP IS… that a true friend is always there for you. You don’t have to speak every day, but every time you do see each other, it’s like nothing has changed and you pick up right where you left off.

6. I’M HAPPIEST WHEN… I’m with my husband and children in the sunshine, near a beach, and eating good food.

7. THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS I DO FOR MY HEALTH ARE… eating well, training a few times a week and doing Pilates. As a mum, I have to look after myself so I can look after my kids. If I feel good, then I can be there for them. Skincare is also a big thing for me. Since I was 15, I’ve had a beauty routine and have often used Clarins. My favourite is Double Serum, which I use each morning and night.

8. WHEN PEOPLE RECOGNISE ME, THEY USUALLY SAY… that I’m shorter than they’d imagined. [Kate is 167 centimetres tall.]

9. MY FAVOURITE SUNDAY MORNING RITUAL IS… pancakes at home! It’s become a bit of a tradition for the girls and I.

Kate Waterhouse is a Clarins advocate.

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