Ballband DIshcloth

38 Pins
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the book is open to show knitted items
Ann Hood talks about 'Comfort,' 'Knitting Circle'
a multicolored crochet bag sitting on top of a counter next to a white plate
Stained Glass Dishcloth
a dish cloth hanging from the side of an oven door on top of a stove
fyrefly's Lizard Ridge Dishtowel
Lizard Ridge Dishcloth Free on ravelry--I'm pinning this for when I learn to knit!
a crocheted dishcloth with hearts on it
Ballband - Browns,pinks, corals; background-S&C Warm Brown; 1-S&C Rose; 2-S&C Shell Pink; 3-S&C Hot Pink; 4-S&C Geranium; 5-P&C Pastel Pink; 6-S&C Rose; 7-S&C Shell Pink; 8-S&C Geranium; 9-S&C Hot Pink; 10-S&C Geranium; 11-S&C Shell Pink; 12-S&C Hot Pink; 13-P&C Pastel Pink; 14-S&C Geranium
four crocheted dishcloths are sitting on the kitchen sink
Knitted Dishrags by anna banana, via Flickr
there are many crocheted pieces of cloth on the doily, all in different colors
apron & ballbands | Flickr
two crocheted dishcloths sitting on top of a wooden table
More Ballbands - Warsh Rags and a Towel
Knit me a river: More Ballbands - Warsh Rags and a Towel
three crocheted dishcloths sitting on top of a sink next to a faucet
Mommy Cooks
knitted dishcloths - Google Search
a close up of a knitted piece of cloth
Different colors of Kitchen Cotton knit up into a Ballband Dishcloth
an orange and pink crocheted dishcloth with a spoon next to it on a wooden surface
Ball band dishcloth
Ball band dishcloth I knit from this pattern:
a crocheted blue and green dishcloth with a knot on the end, sitting on a white surface
Free Dishcloth and Scrubbie Patterns
Free Dishcloth and Scrubbie Patterns | Knitting |