
7 Pins
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the cloak Inspiration, Art, Museums, Mochi, Neolithic, Ancient, Hunter, Rough, Celtic
the cloak
a group of people standing on top of a sandy beach
a man with long hair and no shirt kneeling in front of a body of water
A Brief History of World Costume
Neolithic animal hides punched with awls and sewn with sinew and bone needles, first appearance of woven plant fiber textiles Significant Costume-Specific Inventions of the Stone Age draped animal hide clothing washing of garments detergent dyes bleaching tanning hides shoes the needle the awl sewn animal hide clothing domestication of livestock cultivation of crops spinning hand weaving woven plant-fiber cloth
three men in costume standing next to each other on the street, one holding a rope
an image of men with different body types
CSI: can crime scene investigators solve the death of the iceman?