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The bearded dragon has gained popularity for its unique appearance and seemingly docile nature. With their distinctive scaly appearance and captivating behaviors, these reptiles have charmed their way into many hearts. While bearded dragons might seem like appealing companions, a closer look reveals a series of compelling reasons why they aren’t the ideal choice for household pets — first and foremost, no animal should be held captive.

In addition, bearded dragons have highly specialized diets that make them hard to care for properly. This also leads to their enclosures, which rarely mimic the true nature of their typical habitat. Finally, they pose health risks (like salmonella) to humans.

While the allure of having a bearded dragon might be strong, it’s essential to critically consider these factors before bringing one into your home.

1. Picky Eater

Source: JohanExoticGlobal/Youtube

This “highly defensive” bearded dragon is struggling in his enclosure. From picky eating to obvious discomfort, this dragon does not want to be held captive.

2. Salmonella

Source: CBS New York/Youtube

In 2020, the CDC issued a warning after many humans contracted salmonella. This outbreak was linked to those who had bearded dragons and hedgehogs in their home.

3. Reptile Pet Industry

Source: PETA/Youtube

When purchasing animals like bearded dragons, it is hard to find them in places other than large pet stores. These stores do not treat bearded dragons and other reptiles well, as seen in the video above.

4. Mother Dead Due To Por Care

Source: DRKILLAMILLA/Youtube

This bearded dragon is shown dead in a short YouTube clip. The human shows the pregnant bearded dragon deceased on a piece of hard plastic. In addition to passing away, this dragon was pregnant and all of her babies died as well.

5. Aggressive Bearded Dragon

Source: WeBe Bullies/Youtube

This aggressive bearded dragon repeatedly shows her human that she does not want to be touched or lifted. Still, he tries to pick her up.

The allure of owning a bearded dragon is undeniable, but as we’ve explored in this article, these reptiles come with a set of challenges and risks that shouldn’t be taken lightly. From their specialized dietary needs to the intricacies of their habitat requirements and the potential health hazards they pose, the path to being a responsible bearded dragon owner is paved with complexities. Ultimately, no animal should be kept in uncomfortable captivity.

Sign this petition to ban private ownership of exotic pets.

Tiny Rescue Animal Collection
Tiny Rescue Animal Collection

Ahisma Tee By Tiny Rescue: Animal Collection

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