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I Tried 5 Timbit Flavours To Find The Best One & This Is My Honest Opinion

Spoiler Alert: Old Fashion Plain didn't come in last.

So many Timbits, so little time! Tim Hortons' Timbits are a Canadian staple but with a number of different flavours available, I found myself wondering which one is actually the best. 

One of the first things I learned in this taste test is that all Tim Hortons are not created equal and the variety of flavours offered at your local coffee shop may vary. That's why this ranking is missing flavours like Sour Cream Glazed or that powdered jelly-filled one. 

With that in mind, I tried all the Timbits I could get my hands on and this is my honest opinion. 

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Tim Hortons' Timbit flavours

There are a lot of options when it comes to these tiny donut holes. The five flavours I was able to find (after going to two different locations in my town) were the following: 

  • Chocolate Glazed
  • Birthday Cake
  • Honey Dip 
  • Old Fashion Plain 
  • Old Fashion Glazed

According to the coffee chain's website, I was missing the following flavours: 

  • Apple Fritter
  • Sour Cream Glazed
  • Blueberry
  • Strawberry
  • Raspberry
  • Lemon 

Tims has also been knowing to offer additional seasonal selections or specialty kinds like the double-double Timbit in the past. 

What's the worst Timbit flavour? 

If you're expecting me to say Old Fashion Plain, you're about to be very surprised, and trust me, so was I. 

While this Timbit is likely the least requested one, I wanted to give it a fair shot so I decided to try it first without having anything to compare it to. 

Much to my surprise I found it to be cakey, moist (Trudeau said it so I can too), and had a bit of a spice to it that was quite delightful. 

Instead, what I liked the least was the Honey Dip Donut. To me, this one was sticky, airy, and tasted kind of like what they make sprinkle donuts out of at Tims, but without the sprinkles or frosting on top. I found that it lacked flavour and was kind of boring. 

What's the best Timbit? 

Obviously, this is a matter of preference, but I personally like sweet things so my two favourites before this were the Birthday Cake and Chocolate Glazed flavours. After today though, there may be some changes! 

In my honest opinion, Birthday Cake is still the best. It tastes exactly like a boxed cake and who doesn't love rainbow sprinkles everywhere? 

The change-up comes with second place. After trying all these flavours I was shocked to discover that Chocolate Glazed, while moist, sweet and cakey was kind of boring compared to the Old Fashion Glazed. 

Both had the exact same, sugary coating and texture inside but the spiced flavour coming through from the old fashion one was more interesting than the lack of chocolate in the other. 

So after all that, here is my final ranking of Tim Hortons' Timbits: 

  1. Birthday Cake
  2. Old Fashion Glazed
  3. Chocolate Glazed
  4. Old Fashion Plain
  5. Honey Dip 

The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the views of Narcity Media.

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