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Tim Hortons’ Best Timbit Ever Was Just Uncovered In A Brand New Instagram Poll

There's finally an answer to that age-old question!
Interim Managing Editor

Is there anything more quintessentially Canadian than a double-double and a box of Timbits? While we can all agree that Tim Hortons is synonymous with Canada, one thing we disagree on is which flavour Timbit is superior. Thankfully, one Instagram page has done the research, and they’ve unofficially answered the question: Which Timbit is the best?

Whether you’re loyal to Birthday Cake, Chocolate Glazed, Honey Dip, or even Old Fashioned Plain, you've probably had arguments with fellow Canadians over which flavour is number one.

While there’s always one Timbit left in the share box, it seems it’s hotly contested which one truly deserves to be the last pick.

Just when you thought there would never be a definitive answer, an unofficial Tim Hortons meme page has done some research, and they’ve come up with a response to that age-old question.

Across a number of weeks, the Instagram account reached out to their thousands of followers, asking them to vote for their favourite flavoured mini-donut.

After a number of rounds in which the little balls went head-to-head, the creator compiled several knock-out stages to come to a fair conclusion.

Asking their fans, “Which is best?” the page pitted them against one another, working their way through all eight of Tims’ most popular tiny snacks.

The battle saw legendary doughballs like Blueberry and Honey Dip facing off, while Rasberry took on Sour Cream Glazed.

Eventually, the final was set.

Chocolate Glazed went up against Birthday Cake to decide the official winner of the tastiest Timbit tournament.

In the end, it was a convincing victory for the little cocoa donut, as it beat the competition by more than 100 votes!

Interestingly, the two finalists are the same two flavours that Tim Hortons decided to release as cereal earlier this year.

Speaking exclusively to Narcity about the tourney, the person behind the Insta account explained, "Everyone loves talking about their favourite products, and Timbits are the most Canadian thing ever! So I figured everyone would enjoy it!"

He went on, “I was not surprised [by the result] this time. I figured chocolate would win because it's the first one everyone grabs when they see a box."

"I was surprised that Sour Cream Glazed came fourth. I was getting a lot of messages saying that their favourite was Sour Cream, but it didn’t end up doing that well!"

This isn’t the first time that the account has settled some big debates.

Earlier this year, the Insta account conducted similar research to find Tim Hortons' worst flavoured donut, and the results were somewhat unexpected.

Speaking to Narcity at the time, the tourney creator said, “I definitely did not think Chocolate Toasted Coconut would win worst donut … it’s actually my favourite!”

Whatever your favourite Tim Hortons deep-fried dough ball is, there's finally some clarity on the whole situation!

When asked what Timmies tourney was next, the meme creator said, "I have a few more ideas and our followers are always letting us know what they would like to see next, maybe best bagel, best drink, I guess we’ll see!"

NOW WATCH Canadian "Road Rage" At Its Finest In A Tim Hortons Drive-Thru (VIDEO)

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