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Oral thrush or milk tongue?

5 replies

SassyPants87 · 25/11/2020 00:33

My 6 week old has had a white coating on her tongue for a few weeks now. Sometimes it's more prominent than other times. I've tried wiping away with a damp muslin and some of it comes away but not all of it.

Not sure if it's a build up of milk or thrush? My nipples/breasts don't hurt when feeding which I know is also usually present when babies have thrush

Attaching a picture just in case anyone can tell what it might be. I have a HV visit on Thursday so I will also show them then

Oral thrush or milk tongue?
OP posts:
namechanger247334 · 25/11/2020 00:34

Just looks like a milk tongue, if it hasn't got any worse then it's jothing to worry about :)

TeddyIsaHe · 25/11/2020 00:38

Looks like milk tongue. It’s usually red an sore in the mouth if it’s thrush, and you’d certainly know!

Dd had a white coating on her tongue for good few weeks when she was wee.

MorrisBonsson · 25/11/2020 03:10

When my baby had oral thrush my nipples were sore and red. Milk diet causes white tongue..oral thrush white tongue looks heavier than your babys tongue here in the pic.

yorkshirepudddiing · 25/11/2020 03:15

Milk tongue should go away with saliva after feeding. If it's constantly white it's thrush.

ChikiTIKI · 25/11/2020 03:16

My baby's tongue was like this and it was milk tongue. Signs were, sometimes it got lighter and darker, the tip of her tongue was clear (that part doesn't get milk on it when feeding) . No soreness in feeding.

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