miniature bernese mountain dogs

What is a miniature Bernese Mountain Dog?

These beautiful Mini Bernese darlings are the blend of their larger grandparents, the purebred Bernese Mountain Dog and the sweet little Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

The pure Bernese Mountain Dog, also known as the “Gentle Giant,” is proven to be one of the sweetest and most kid-friendly family dog breeds. On average, these big babies weigh in somewhere between 90-110lbs.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, with their luxurious waves and sweet puppy eyes, also consistently display a docile personality and a strong bond of loyalty to their owners.

It’s easy to see why these two breeds would be a wonderful combination for affection and gentleness. Not only that, but this designer blend results in the most beautiful, tri-colored, medium-sized companions.

Mini Mountain Puppies LLC

Our dogs average 40-50 lbs at maturity. So enjoy the looks and affectionate disposition of the Bernese Mountain Dog, but half the size! That, my friends, is a Miniature Bernese Mountain Dog.

Hi! My name is Louisa, your Mini Bernese breeder.

Mini Mountain Puppies LLC

Allow me to introduce myself! My name is Louisa Risinger, and I am the owner and chief puppy-handler of Mini Mountain Puppies! I live in South Bend, Indiana, on a comfortable and somewhat secluded lot of 6 acres with my four darling doggies: Dalia, Fitz, Giselle, and Posie.

Parents, grandparents, siblings, and nieces and nephews all play a huge role in my life, and therefore in the lives of my dogs and puppies, as well. I am never at a shortage of puppy-cuddling hands or hearts!

It all started in the dollhouse. As a little girl, I had a set of dollhouse figurines of a mother Bernese Mountain Dog and her two puppies. I dreamt of having a dog just like her someday, and of course was obsessed with the puppies even more. My family always had dogs growing up and I loved every one of them— but this was a different level of obsession. I had no idea what the dog breed was called, I just knew I wanted a puppy that looked just like my little figurines, with their glossy black coat, white chests, and adorable brown eye brows. As soon as I was old enough to use Google, I found out what my dream dog was called… and then completely gave up on the idea. These guys were huge! I knew they would never fit into our lifestyle, and certainly wouldn’t have fit into our house at that time.

Mini Mountain Puppies LLC

Fast forward through all of high school, college, and eight years working in child care… for the first time in a long time, I found myself working from home and in a place where I could accommodate a puppy. And that’s when it happened. I stumbled across a blog post that explained what a Miniature Bernese Mountain Dog was. My dream was alive again. I could have that sweet eyebrowed face and the teddy bear personality— but half the size! It took me a while to find one and bring her home, and I am never looking back. These forever-puppies have not disappointed in ANY aspect. They are sweet and gentle. They are playful though somewhat lazy in between. They only moderately shed. They are, in my opinion, the perfect medium size. And they are oh-so-stinkin’ cute!

Now I find myself breeding these sweethearts, and it is honestly more than I ever could have dreamed. I am passionate about this designer breed, and I believe that you will be too!