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Dental Bonding: What Is Teeth Bonding & What to Expect

February 27, 2023
Posted By: Dr. Ben McDonald
dental bonding roanoke va

Dental bonding in Roanoke, VA, is one of many ways to repair and restore your teeth. Whether you have tooth discoloration that won't go away with teeth whitening or gaps in your smile, Dr. Ben McDonald can help you achieve a more seamless, beautiful grin. Dr. McDonald and our team at McDonald Family Dentistry want you to have your best smile, and dental bonding helps us do this.

We invite you to continue reading to learn more about dental bonding in Roanoke, VA. 

What Is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding uses tooth-colored composite resin to enhance the appearance of your teeth. It can also repair broken, cracked, or fractured teeth, restoring dental function. With this cosmetic procedure, your dentist can also reshape and recolor your teeth or close gaps in your smile. Unlike other treatments like veneers, dental bonding is reversible.

When Is Dental Bonding Needed?

Dental bonding can improve flaws and imperfections. It can:

  • Conceal tooth cracks, chips, and fractures 
  • Camouflage tooth discoloration
  • Close spaces and gaps between teeth 
  • Elongate teeth that look short 
  • Alter the shape of teeth 
  • Create a more symmetrical look to your teeth 

The composite resin used in dental bonding is also used for restorative dentistry treatments to:

  • Fill cavities 
  • Replace silver fillings with a natural-looking alternative 
  • Protect exposed tooth roots due to gum recession

Dental bonding is very common and one of dentistry's most frequently performed treatments.

What Happens Before Dental Bonding?

Before dental bonding, Dr. McDonald discusses your cosmetic goals and medical history. Next, our team takes dental x-rays, and your dentist performs a visual examination of your teeth and gums to ensure you're a good candidate for the treatment. If you have gum disease, tooth decay, or another oral health problem, Dr. McDonald will treat any concerns before moving forward with dental bonding.

What Happens During Dental Bonding?

Your Roanoke dentist will:

  • Choose a shade. – We use a shade guide to choose the perfect shade of composite resin for your smile.
  • Prepare the tooth. – We prepare the tooth and apply a conditioning liquid to ensure the bonding sticks to the tooth.  
  • Apply the composite resin. – We apply the composite resin to the tooth, mold it to fit your tooth's shape and size, and smooth it to look natural. 
  • Cure the composite resin. – Next, we use a special curing light to harden the composite resin, which helps the material bond to the tooth's surface. 
  • Polish the tooth. – Finally, we make any final adjustments and polish the tooth, so it has a natural shine like your other teeth.

Dental bonding takes about 30 to 60 minutes per tooth.

Is Dental Bonding Painful?

No, dental bonding isn't painful! Dr. McDonald and our team are gentle in all aspects of care. Plus, dental bonding doesn't typically require us to work near pain-sensing nerves in the tooth. We also provide a comfortable, relaxing environment and use local anesthesia.

What Happens After Dental Bonding?

Proper oral hygiene is essential to keeping your teeth and gums healthy. We recommend brushing twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Don't brush too hard or vigorously, as this can damage your enamel and gum tissue and even lead to gum recession. Please also floss between your teeth once a day.

Finally, we ask patients to visit the dentist for preventive exams and cleanings every six months. These appointments help us prevent and treat tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental health problems.

Some patients might experience mild, temporary sensitivity after the procedure. However, over-the-counter pain relievers can help ease your discomfort. 

What Are the Benefits of Dental Bonding in Roanoke?

Dental bonding has several benefits, such as:

  • Minimally invasive – While veneers and crowns require alteration to the tooth, dental bonding is minimally invasive and preserves more healthy tooth structure.
  • Cost-effective – Dental bonding is cost-effective and one of the least expensive cosmetic dental treatments available.
  • Versatile – Dental bonding is versatile, as we can use it for various imperfections, including discoloration, misshapen teeth, chips, and gaps.
  • Fast and convenient – Dental bonding can be completed in a single dental appointment, unlike other procedures like veneers or crowns. 

What's the Recovery Time for Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding doesn't require downtime, so you can resume normal activities when you leave our dental office.

Does Dental Bonding Require Special Aftercare?

Dental bonding has no special aftercare requirements. With dental bonding, we ask that you continue practicing good oral hygiene, like brushing twice daily and flossing once daily. Also, be sure to see your dentist for routine checkups and cleanings.

Dental bonding can chip if you're not careful, so avoiding habits like chewing on pens, using your teeth to open packages, or biting your nails is best. If you grind your teeth, we recommend using a night guard to protect your teeth and restorations. If you notice your bonded tooth feels odd when biting down or has sharp edges, call us. We can fix your bonded tooth quickly and easily!

How Long Does Tooth Bonding Last?

The lifespan of dental bonding depends on your oral habits and how many teeth receive the bonding. However, bonding can last three to 10 years before requiring replacement or touch-ups. The better you care for your smile, the longer your dental bonding will last.

Schedule Dental Bonding in Roanoke, VA 

Do you have tooth discoloration, misshapen teeth, or a gapped smile? Call Dr. McDonald at McDonald Family Dentistry to learn what's possible for your smile! Dental bonding can correct numerous smile flaws, including tooth discoloration. We would love to speak with you about your cosmetic goals and create a personalized treatment strategy. 

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