C=4 Expo 2006

The Cincinnati Commodore Computer Club (CCCC) held an expo on June 3 and 4 just outside Cincinnati (Fort Mitchell, Kentucky, actually). The site was the Drawbridge Inn, a hotel with great meeting facilities. (Click any picture for a larger image.)

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A friendly sign at the entry.

A slight adjustment to the hotel's medieval English theme was required...

Six wrote a demo for the occasion.

Exhibit hall. Open machines in front, demo tables at rear.

Joe Palumbo's table. Note the SuperSnapshot cartridges on the chair on the left; Joe is the official source for these now.

Items on sale by the CCCC club.

The Amiga contingent was present as well.

Jim Brain explaining one of his latest projects.

A hybrid machine that acts as a multimedia conversion workshop (a shotgun wedding between Commodore and Linux).

A friendly PET just waiting for human affection.

An MSD dual floppy drive being put through its paces.

If you've ever heard the story about the expo where a Datasette was disassembled to build a swipe reader for hotel key cards... well, this is it!

This is one of my own machines, set up to play stereo SIDs.

Six and Elwix of Style doing what they do best.

Elwix, codin' up a storm.

Closeup of Six' rig (note the RR-Net with blue Ethernet cable sticking up).

Please don't feed the bears.

Jim Brain demonstrating his micro-IEC project.

Jim's second demo was of a configurable keyboard which can emulate those of many C= machines as well a PC's.

Leif Bloomquist working on some code that uses Six' new "netlib" TCP/IP stack for the C64.

Leif demoed GuruTerm, a C/G terminal that uses the RR-Net ethernet card (no PC proxy). It uses the same uIP stack found in the Contiki operating system.

Leif made a bit of history by successfully demoing GuruTerm using a wireless connection (via an Ethernet to wireless bridge)!

Jim Butterfield was present and gave an informative and enjoyable talk, starting with "everybody knows this, right?"...

...and continuing with How Not To Program ("now don't go home and write code like this!").

Jeri Ellsworth trying to look mean :)

It's karaoke time!

Everyone wants to join in the fun. The karaoke went on into the wee hours...

Look like fun? Come to the next C=4 Expo in May 2007!

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