Smart Cubicle Designs for a Modern Office
Smart Cubicle Designs for a Modern Office | Buser Project

Smart Cubicle Designs for a Modern Office

Smart Cubicle Designs for a Modern Office | Buser Project

A cubicle is a partially enclosed office workspace that is separated from neighbouring workspaces by partitions that are usually 1.5–1.8 m tall. Its purpose is to isolate office workers and managers from the sights and noises of an open workspace so that they may concentrate with fewer distractions. Cubicles are composed of modular elements such as walls, work surfaces, overhead bins, drawers, and shelving, which can be configured depending on the user's needs. Installation is generally performed by trained personnel, although some cubicles allow configuration changes to be performed by users without specific training. Cubicles were very common in the past but faced a fall as many people criticised them as being the main obstacle to office collaboration. But in recent years its popularity has grown again.

The priority nowadays is to install cubicles that offer privacy without obstructing collaboration. From panel systems to bench cubicles, today’s designs allow you to mark workspaces without expensive and complicated construction projects.

    I.       Benefits of Using Cubicles at the Workplace

Some benefits of installing cubicles in your office include:

  • They offer calm and private working spaces
  • Cubicles help you allocate workspaces to departments and team members
  • Office cubes are central to office design and aesthetics
  • They allow workers to decorate personal workstations as they wish
  • Cubicles reduce distraction and encourage productivity

  II.       Smart Cubicle Design Considerations

1.   Use short barriers

Use cubicles that mark out spaces while allowing employees to see each other. This is an excellent way to create a sense of togetherness. Furthermore, half-a-wall is cheaper than a complete wall.

2.   Evaluate your layout

A bad layout and poor arrangement can mean spending more than you should on cubicle projects. Rethink your arrangement by asking yourself these questions:

  1. Does the arrangement take full advantage of my office space?
  2. What changes can I make to ensure optimal space usage?
  3. Are the cubicle sizes (and designs) occupying more than necessary spaces?
  4. Which designs can provide more working stations while covering a smaller space?

1.   Consider the used technologies

Smart Cubicle Designs for a Modern Office | Buser Project

Think of the type of technology that will be used in the workplace. That’s to say, think of the computers, cabinets, and anything that occupies significant space in each cubicle.

    III.       Smart Cubicle Designs

When properly harnessed, cubicles can drastically change look and ambiance of your workplace. Partially or completely isolated areas can be created with height options, and different usage scenarios can be created with varying panel widths and table lengths. Using cubicles, meeting and individual workspaces can be created with rectangular table that can be mounted on panels to create different types of design layouts as;

  • Honeycomb-shaped designs
  • Trapezoidal Designs
  • Rectangular Designs
  • S-shaped Designs
  • Star Designs, etc.

Now let’s look at some of these designs

Smart Cubicle Designs for a Modern Office | Buser Project
Smart Cubicle Designs for a Modern Office | Buser Project
Smart Cubicle Designs for a Modern Office | Buser Project
Smart Cubicle Designs for a Modern Office | Buser Project
Smart Cubicle Designs for a Modern Office | Buser Project
Smart Cubicle Designs for a Modern Office | Buser Project
Smart Cubicle Designs for a Modern Office | Buser Project

Other design layouts to consider

Smart Cubicle Designs for a Modern Office | Buser Project
Smart Cubicle Designs for a Modern Office | Buser Project

For your specific office projects you can contact us at any time at Buser Project.

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