Comics for vegetables, by Andy Singer
'Happy and Crabby'. 

Andy Singer has always loved to draw. In college, he studied painting and art history. After he graduated, he eventually decided to try cartooning. He started doing freelance cartoons and illustrations in 1992, for the college paper The Daily Californian. Since then, he has published well over a thousand pages of comics, cartoons and drawings in dozens of newspapers, magazines and books in the United States, Canada and Europe. He has also won several cartoon contests at The San Francisco Bay Guardian and Editorial Humor, as well as a "Best of Berkeley" award at The Daily Californian. Andy Singer created two weekly cartoons which he self-syndicated to about a dozen papers: 'No Exit' (a single panel) and 'Comics for Vegetables' (a multiple panel strip). He also maintains a web site, which is updated monthly and features a searchable database of cartoons and illustrations for editors and publishers. He currently is working to promote a book of transportation cartoons called 'Cartoons', published by Car Busters in Prague.

Andy Singer tries to draw his cartoons based on his own experiences and what he sees in the world around him. He loves comedy and humor, but is also interested in politics, philosophy, religion, art and history, reflected in his cartoons. His favorite cartoonists include: B. Kliban, Saul Steinberg, Bill Watterson, George Booth, George Herriman, Gary Larson, Tom Toles and Matt Groening.

comic art by Andy Singer
Cartoon by Andy Singer.

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