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The Esrog Jam Of Moreinou Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky shlit

Maran Sar HaTorah shlit"a, in honor of Tu B'Shvat, is giving jam from the esrog on which he made a bracha during Sukkos

Maran Sar HaTorah shlit"a, in honor of Tu B'Shvat, is giving  jam from the esrog on which he made a bracha during Sukkos

BS"D Shvat 5782

With this I hereby verify that the esrogim which are being distributed upon the instructions of my father, our master and teacher, Maran HaGaon  shlit"a, by Kupat Ha'ir for the Tu B'Shvat campaign are esrogim that my father, our master and teacher, Maran HaGaon  shlit"a made a bracha on during Sukkos of this year; of course we separated terumos and ma'asros from them according to halacha.

I am affixing my signature to this:

 Yitzchak Shaul, son of Maran HaGaon HGR' Chaim Kanievsky shlit"a