Fou Fou waterproof dog pants review

I try to walk my girls everyday, however during winter I’m less motivated when it’s cold, wet and rainy. I dread the amount of time it takes to wash them afterwards. But it’s not just the washing I dread. After their bath, the girls will run around crazy doing zoomies and wiping their wet dog smell all over the carpet and furniture. So a thirty minute walk can easily turn into a sixty minute ordeal and an afternoon of the house smelling like wet dog. 

So I did a bit of goggling; dog pants, coveralls, trousers, bodyguard, and I came across waterproof dog pants, hello! They look more like overalls and they’re supposed to protect you dog’s legs, chest and belly from getting wet and dirty. What really sold it for me was I came across a review that claimed they saved twenty minutes of cleaning time after a walk, this was music to my ears! 

Do protective dog pants really work? 

This was something I was keen to find out, so after a lot of research I decided to buy Fou Fou’s waterproof dog pants. I chose Poppy as our tester because she prances through puddles and generally likes to play in the mud. Her fur is white so the dirt is more obvious on her and she has shorter legs which means a lot more dirt flicks up onto her belly. 

Product features

It was really easy putting the pants on Poppy. Once her legs were through the holes, the pants fasten with three adjustable buckles and valcro straps around each paw. The waterproof material covered her chest, belly and legs. The material is lightweight which meant I could put Poppy’s harness over the pants without having to adjust it. Each leg features a reflective panel for safe nighttime walking.

At first Poppy looked a bit sheepish, but after we started walking she got used to her pants and the swooshing nose they made as she walked, they sounded like my 90’s parachute pants, haha! 

Poppy was a bit apprehensive to sit with her pants on, but after bribing her with treats she got the hang of it. The pants didn’t restrict her movement, she pranced along as she normally does. I was curious to see what would happen when she went to the toilet. There’s a cut-out in the pants for dogs to do their business, but I was still curious to see what would happen. And right on queue, barely five minutes into our walk Poppy did a poo and a wee and the pants didn’t worry her at all, and better yet, the pants stayed clean, yay! 

After our walk was the moment of truth. Had the waterproof pants keep Poppy’s legs and belly dry? Drumroll please…….. yes and no. Yes they’d kept her legs dry, so I only had to wash her paws which was a big win. But no they hadn’t kept her belly completely dry and dirt free. As you can see in the photo above, the cut out in the pants for dogs to go to the toilet is quite large so that section of her belly got a bit wet and flicked some dirt underneath the material covering her chest. I think I might try to reduce the size of the cut out (Poppy’s not a boy so she doesn’t need such a big cut out) by attaching a piece of material and see how that goes. 

Poppy and I give Fou Fou’s waterproof pants 3 paws!

Poppy has worn her pants on a number of walks now. They’re quick and easy to put on, and they drastically reduce how wet and dirty her legs and belly get which had reduced the amount of time I spend washing her after our walks. Now I only need to wash her paws and give her under carriage a quick spray and towel dry. The lightweight material is ready easy to clean, you can simply wipe it down or pop it in the washing machine.

Product details

Product: Waterproof pants
Brand: Fou Fou
Colours: Black, grey, red
Sizes: ranges from small to XX large
Reviewer: Poppy, she wore size medium (Poppy is 9.6kg)

Other dog pants you might like to try

If these dog pants aren’t what you’re looking for, you might like to consider these options;

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