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Victoria Pendleton marries Scott Gardner

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Victoria Pendleton has tied to knot with former Team GB trainer Scott Gardner. The Olympic gold medallist and her former coach fiancé wed at Cheshire country house, Colshaw Hall in front of family and friends, including swimmer Keri-Anne Payne.


"Seeing Scott at the top of the aisle is an image I'll keep in my mind forever," said the cyclist.

"I'm very lucky to have met him, If I hadn't have done sport, our paths would never have crossed."

Victoria and her new husband made sure they shared the day with their dogs, Stella and Jonty, taking them for a walk after the ceremony in their full wedding outfits.

The cyclist chose the Strictly Come Dancing band for her wedding music and Scott revealed: "The day was amazing, brilliant, beautiful. I was just blown away by how she looked. It was the vintage look, the shape of her body, the smile on her face."

The couple first met when Scott was a performance scientist for Team GB cyclists and their relationship sparked so much outrage at first that he was forced to resign from his job. Speaking about that time, which occurred around the Beijing Olympics, Victoria said: "Winning the gold medal should have been the happiest day of my entire life and it just wasn't,' she revealed in a BBC documentary last year.

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"It felt like the saddest day in my entire life. I felt almost numb. Everyone was so angry that Scott and I had fallen in love. It was so unprofessional - we were a disgrace and had betrayed everybody."