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The weakness of the Galaxy class starship.


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The Galaxy class starship has kinda gathered a reputation over the years for being woefully weak and impotent in combat situations. In most situations, it'll just barely survive, not really putting up a good fight. You really gotta wonder what they were thinking when they made these giant ships, they seem really really lame for how big they are. I've decided to go ahead and list all the defeats onscreen I can remember.

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TNG Contagion: Destroyed by an Iconian computer virus.
TNG Time Squared: Destroyed by an energy vortex.
TNG Q Who: Almost destroyed by a Borg Cube.
TNG Yesterday's Enterprise: Destroyed by 3 K'Vort class battlecruisers.
TNG The Best of Both Worlds 1,2: Almost destroyed by a Borg Cube.
TNG Disaster: Almost destroyed by a quantum filament.
TNG Darmok: Almost destroyed by a starship created by people called the Children of Tama. These people can only communicate through metaphors.
TNG Conundrum: Disabled by a Satarran mindwipe.
TNG Cause and Effect: Destroyed by a light brush across the right warp nacelle from the USS Bozeman.
TNG Rascals: Captured by a Ferengi in a couple of Birds of Prey.
TNG Timescape: Destroyed by a warp core breach.
TNG Descent 2: Almost destroyed by a Borg vessel.
TNG Force of Nature: Disabled by two ecoterrorists.
TNG Masks: Disabled, transformed by a comet.
TNG All Good Things...: Destroyed by an anti-time anomaly three times.
Star Trek Generations: Destroyed by a single outdated D12 Bird of Prey.
DS9 The Jem'Hadar: Destroyed by three Dominion attack ships.

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