Food and drinks have always been a way for people to come together, but these days people are connecting virtually in more creative ways. Take the cast of the original 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie, for instance, that is celebrating the film's 30-year anniversary with an online pizza party...and all fans are invited.

In honor of the movie's 30th anniversary, fans put together a Facebook page called "TMNT Movie 1990" where photos and trivia about the movie is posted for fans to discuss. The nostalgia of it all might be exactly what people need right now, and the cast caught on.

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Judith Hoag, who played TV reporter April O'Neil in the film, announced in a YouTube video that they'd be hosting a virtual anniversary pizza party panel discussion via Zoom. "It's our 30th anniversary, and we had some really great stuff planned to celebrate with you guys and then the pandemic hit," she said: "It would be great to have a virtual pizza party with you guys, our fans, and with us...the original, official, cast and crew from the 1990 movie."

The virtual party will take place on Saturday, May 23. Although the film was originally released on March 30, May 23 is World Turtle Day so it's definitely fitting. There's not too much information about what exactly will go on during this virtual gathering, but Judith encouraged fans to mark their calendars and order some pizza for the occasion (obviously).

Fans are curios if Corey Feldman, who voiced Donatello, will be joining in on the festivities. According to one YouTube user, he made an appearance on the Goonies virtual reunion the other day, so chances are pretty high. Guess we'll have to stay tuned to find out!