Mother Nature influences bio teacher's style

Kirby Adams
  • Name%3A Meg Shaughnessy%2C 27
  • Hometown%3A Edgewood%2C KY
  • Education%3A B.S. in Biology from University of Notre Dame%3B Masters in Teaching from Notre Dame%2C University of Maryland
  • Career%3A High school science teacher at Presentation Academy
C-J Stylemaker Meghan Shaughnessy is seen at the entrance of Presentation Academy, where she teaches science.

In the fashion department, this week's Stylemaker is a breath of fresh air. Meg Shaughnessy teaches high school biology and feels best when she's connecting with the earth.

Describe your style in three words: whimsical, natural, eclectic

Style icons: Mother Nature, Frida Kahlo, Joni Mitchell circa "Blue"

Signature accessories: Fossil watch, sentimental and heirloom jewelry, wooden saints bracelet, running shoes

What are you buying this season to update your look: Hats! I used to love them as a little girl, and I am getting back into them.

Favorite trend: Romantic bohemian styles

Favorite places to shop: Local stores and art fairs that carry second-hand items and creations by regional artists (like Acorn and Revelry Boutique). Also Target and Anthropologie

Favorite style tip: "If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely." –Roald Dahl

Item you'll never part with: Emerald necklace my mom gave me that she was wearing when I was born.

Some of Meghan Shaughnessy's jewwelry, including a family locket, her great-grandmother's wddding ring and a birth stone ring. May 14, 2015.

Go-to outfit: Denim dress with vintage floral hair scarf and strappy leather sandals

Must-have beauty products in your makeup bag: bareMinerals powders, Lancome eye shadow, Moroccan oil hair products, ChapStick mixstix

How often you shop for new clothes: Sporadically, I try to only buy new items when things wear out or if something steals my heart away.

Favorite colors this season: poppy red, iris blue, bright plum

Time it takes you to get dressed: 30 minutes

What are the building blocks of your style: Denim, jewel and earth-toned solids, florals, flannel, animal-themed clothing (I'm a biology teacher, and my students especially love my squirrel sweater)

C-J Stylemaker Meghan Shaughnessy's hats from Anthropologie. May 14, 2015.

What's your style philosophy or motto: I like to wear things that give me a chance to express my identity and reveal my passions. They may be items that remind me of the love of my family, the beauty of nature, my desire to serve God and the places where I've lived and traveled. I also wear whatever is going to help me to confidently tackle the day's challenges.

What's the biggest fashion or beauty risk you've ever taken: Shopping in the men's department.

Every woman should: rock red lipstick at least once in her life. I'm one of four sisters and we all love it!

What's the biggest fashion faux pas a person can commit: Obsessing over appearance and not letting your natural and inner beauty shine

C-J Stylemaker Meghan Shaughnessy's colorful coffee mug. May 14, 2015.

Do you know someone with great personal style like Meg? Nominate them for the CJ's Stylemaker feature by telling me a few things about their fashion choices, sending a photograph and their email address to me, Kirby Adams at

Name: Meg Shaughnessy

Age: 27

Hometown: Edgewood, KY

Education: B.S. in Biology from University of Notre Dame; Masters in Teaching from Notre Dame, University of Maryland

Career: High school science teacher at Presentation Academy