Ban Jane Fonda's Commencement speech

Ban Jane Fonda's Commencement speech

June 7, 2014
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This petition had 451 supporters

Why this petition matters

Started by karen goode

Jane Fonda is an undisputed traitor to this country, and the Vietnam Veterans. She openly supported the enemy during the Vietnam conflict, and even took photo's with the North Vietnamese. To allow her to speak at an commencement ceremony, is a direct insult to the Vietnam Veterans, and to every other patriotic citizen in this country.

The Fonda trip became unforgettable because it infuriated Americans, especially Americans in uniform, many of whom still regard her as a traitor.  She praised the North Vietnamese, posed for a photo at a Communist anti-aircraft gun emplacement, made several radio broadcasts for the Communist North Vietnamese in which she called American military leaders "war criminals," then when some of the POWs returned home and described mistreatment by the North Vietnamese, she said Americans should "...not hail the POWs as heroes, because they are hypocrites and liars."

UCLA sends a terrible message in allowing this traitor to speak. They tell the American people, that they forgive, they forget, or they agree with her actions. The Vietnam Veterans were dishonored once because of this women, and in supporting her, you dishonor them again. 

Stand up for our Vietnam Veterans. Send the message loud and clear. WE WILL NEVER FORGIVE, AND WE WILL NEVER FORGET. 

Please sign our petition to stop this traitor from speaking. Her voice has done enough damage.

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This petition had 451 supporters

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