Lug Tread 2.5%
Beau's All Natural Brewing Company

Lug Tread 2.5%Lug Tread 2.5%
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Beau's All Natural Brewing Company
Ontario, Canada
Light Lager
Needs more ratings
3.58 | pDev: 0%
Feb 08, 2021
Oct 01, 2020
No description / notes.
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Photo of thehyperduck
Reviewed by thehyperduck from Canada (ON)

3.58/5  rDev 0%
look: 3.75 | smell: 3.25 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 4
473 mL can from the LCBO; dated Nov 26 2020 and served slightly chilled.

Pours a clear pale golden yellow colour, capped off with one finger of soapy, frothy white head that falls apart within a minute or two. A messy ring of webbed lace has been left behind, along with a sickly thin collar and filmy cap; looks better than average for a light lager. The nose is very typical of a 'craft lager', with grainy pale malts and light doughy sweetness, but not a whole lot else. At least it's clean, and not corny.

Very basic light lager flavours - grainy malts, bready sweetness, followed by a touch of lemon zest and grassy hay at the back end of the sip. Light doughy malt sweetness lasts briefly into a leafy, weakly earthy aftertaste that dries out. Light in body, with moderate carbonation levels that give a bit of a bite to this lagered ale, which feels crisp on the tongue; quite refreshing, and obviously a cinch to gulp back.

Final Grade: 3.58, a serviceable B grade. Beau's Lug Tread 2.5% is actually surprisingly flavourful given its ultra light nature - easily surpassing any of the macro light beers in terms of palatability / actually tasting like a beer - but at the end of the day, it's still a plain jane craft lager that costs $3.35 per can. If you don't mind their flagship lagered ale and are looking for something lower in calories or alcohol, then this might be worth a try... but your average Bud/Coors Light drinker is probably better off saving their money and sticking with what they know. I'd drink this again if it were being offered, but I doubt I'll be buying any more.
Feb 08, 2021