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The Cheeky Girls
Mmm, cheeky cheeky in Bridgwater

Interview exclusive: The Cheeky Girls

BBC Somerset Sound got cheeky, cheeky, cheeky recently when Jo Philips caught up with Monica and Gabriela Irimia, aka The Cheeky Girls, to find out what they got up to when they came to Bridgwater to turn on the Christmas lights.

Taking part in what was a whole day of festivities, The Cheeky Girls were also joined by former Hollyoaks star Andy Newton-Lee (who played serial womaniser Robbie in the TV series) and Lisa Marie, the Exeter singer who sang on the Yeovil Town single, Yeovil True.

You can also listen to this interview with The Cheeky Girls by clicking on the link at the top of this page.

So, what did you get up to when you were in Bridgwater?

Monica: We arrived quite late. The weather wasn't very good but so many people turned up to see us – more than 5,000 which was great.

Everyone was up for it and no-one cared about the weather - and we didn't either!

What happened on the night itself?

"We're really happy to come back to any event in Somerset because we had such a great response from the crowd."

Monica: We sang five songs, two of which were new ones. We also sang our new single, Girls and Boys, which is released on the 6 December!

Are you pleased with the new single?

Monica: Yes, definitely. Shooting the video was great. We shot it in three locations and really enjoyed it.

What's it like working with your sister all the time? Do you get on as well as you seem to?

Gabriela: Yes, it's fine. When we were in college, we were in the same class all the time and so we basically grew up together.

Believe it or not, we didn't spend more than 24 hours apart. Now we're working together, we're together non-stop, but it's fine.

My sister has a boyfriend, but I don't. So the only time we don't spend together is when my sister is with her boyfriend.

You're from Romania – tell me a bit about your country

The Cheeky Girls
The Cheekies were impressed by the turn-out

Gabriela: It's so different from the UK, especially the weather. In the summer it's really hot and in the winter, it's really cold.

The views in Romania look like Switzerland – it's so beautiful.

You have mountains, the seaside, the Black Sea – it's amazing for tourists and worthwhile to spend a few weeks there.

Do you miss home?

Gabriela: I miss my family mainly but they come to visit us often, so we see them a lot which helps.

Will we see you in Somerset again soon?

Gabriela: Yes, definitely. We're really happy to come back to any event here because we had such a great response from the crowd – it was just unbelievable.

The weather was awful but the people were up for it, which was great. We really enjoyed ourselves!

last updated: 20/06/05
Have Your Say
Were you there in Bridgwater? What do you think of The Cheeky Girls?
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i think cheeky girls are cooooooooooooooooooooooool

Cheeky twins are so so so so ugly

Tina T
It was definately more than 500 unlike Miko says. A lot more! And they looked much better in real life than on TV! Don't like they're music that much, but the youngsters did! Plus I occassionaly read the bridgy mercury and their interviews are crap, they probably just copied it from your one after hearing it!!

tiny t
they are very good as a group i like there christmas song better than the rest of the songs they did and i remember when they brought out their first single

i dont think they are good they are not my style of music

"many people turned up to see us; more than 5,000" Get real, more like 500!

Do you realise that the Bridgwater Mercury had an interview with the Cheeky Girls in their paper on Tuesday? Therefore, yours is not an exclusive. (Ed - this feature went up on the site on Tuesday, also the interview was on BBC Somerset Sound on Monday)

will porter
it was great

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