新月沃土文明的位置及鄰近新月沃土的現今國家 Location of the Fertile Crescent civilization and the modern countries near the Fertile Crescent


幕簾模式Curtain mode
  1. 顯示資料選單,點選底格里斯河幼發拉底河吾珥巴比倫城,了解更多相關資訊。
  2. 拖拉中間的箭咀按鈕,了解鄰近新月沃土的現今國家。
  3. 點擊思考點,完成練習題。
  1. Select the Tigris, the Euphrates, Ur and Babylon in the "Show information" list for further information.
  2. Drag the arrow button to study the modern countries near the Fertile Crescent.
  3. Click "To think about" and finish the exercise.

切換模式Toggle mode
  1. 點擊底格里斯河幼發拉底河吾珥巴比倫城,了解更多相關資訊。
  2. 點選右方的地圖縮圖,了解鄰近新月沃土的現今國家。
  3. 點擊思考點,完成練習題。
  1. Click the Tigris, the Euphrates, Ur and Babylon for further information.
  2. Select the thumbnail of the map at right to study the modern countries near the Fertile Crescent.
  3. Click "To think about" and finish the exercise.
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Location of the Fertile Crescent civilization (left)
The modern countries near the Fertile Crescent (right)
新月沃土文明的位置 鄰近新月沃土的現今國家 Location of the Fertile Crescent civilization The modern countries near the Fertile Crescent

思考點:To think about:

  1. 敍利亞
  2. 伊朗
  3. 伊拉克
  4. 土耳其
In which of the following countries did the Fertile Crescent civilization emerge?
  1. Syria
  2. Iran
  3. Iraq
  4. Turkey
A. i、ii、iii i, ii, iii
B. i、iii、iv i, iii, iv
C. ii、iii、iv ii, iii, iv
D. 以上皆是 All of above
  1. 它位於小亞細亞。
  2. 它位於米索不達米亞。
  3. 它位於底格里斯河邊。
  4. 它曾是新巴比倫城王國的首都。
Which of the following is a correct description of Babylon?
  1. It is situated in Asia Minor.
  2. It is situated in Mesopotamia.
  3. It is situated near the Tigris.
  4. It was the capital of the Neo-Babylonian Empire.
A. i、iii i, iii
B. i、iv i, iv
C. ii、iii ii, iii
D. ii、iv ii, iv