How to Grow and Care for Peace Lilies

Reviewed by Sabrina Lopez | September 6, 2022

peace lily flower

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Jump to: Fast Facts | How to Grow | How to Repot | How to Propagate | Common Issues | Our Recommendation | FAQ

Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum) are popular indoor houseplants, especially in bedroom spaces and offices. A peace lily plant is best known for its white blooms that can add a touch of natural beauty to any indoor space. According to feng shui principles, peace lilies can be valuable additions to any home, bringing balance and positive energy to its residents.

While admiring this plant’s green leaves and white flowers can be exciting, the peace lily plant requires some specialized care. Read on to learn everything you need to know about growing, propagating, blooming, and caring for your peace lily plant.


Courtesy Amazon

Costa Farms Peace Lily Plant


This peace lily is available in two different sizes and has several different planters for you to select from. This plant produces elegant, dark green leaves that contrast its white flowers. It makes for a perfect starter plant for beginners, or as an excellent compliment to an existing indoor garden.

$34.99 On Amazon


Fast Facts on the Peace Lily

Common namePeace lily, spath lily

Plant family


Native climate

Central America, Asia

Light level

Partial, indirect light

Average mature height (indoor)

1 to 4 feet indoors; up to 6 feet tall outdoors

Soil type

Moist, well-draining soil

Frequency of watering

About once per week


Mildly toxic to dogs and cats

Ideal humidity level

50% to 60%

Common variations

Spathiphyllum Piccolino, Spathiphyllum Domino, Spathiphyllum Mauna Loa Supreme, Spathiphyllum wallisii


How to Care for Peace Lilies

Unlike other flowering indoor plants (like the orchid), peace lilies are relatively easy to care for. While they have some specific care needs, peace lilies can be a great introduction to flowering plants for beginners. The key to peace lily care is remaining consistent and proactive with watering and keeping the plant in low light


Fertilizing is essential if you want your peace lily to bloom its signature white flowers. Feed your plant weekly using a general fertilizer during the summer blooming season. You can also fertilize your plant once using slow-release pellets if you prefer to take a task off your list of daily chores. You don’t need to fertilize your peace lily during the winter. 


Like many other common houseplants, peace lilies cannot tolerate direct sunlight well, nor do they do well in low-light conditions. Ideally, you should place your peace lily in an area with access to bright, indirect sunlight throughout the day. Direct sunlight may cause the plant’s green foliage to turn brown and soil to dry out.

For ideal growth, place your peace lily next to an east-facing window. This will provide it with direct sun only during the morning hours when the sun’s rays are soft and manageable. This position will also provide the plant with filtered light throughout the rest of the day. A north-facing window can also be an excellent spot for your peace lily


Though it might not look like it, the peace lily is a tropical plant native to Central America and Asia. Peace lilies grow on rainforest floors where the soil is rich with organic material from decaying plants and animals. Choose a well-draining potting mix infused with organic matter and nutrients to mimic this climate.

Peace lilies do poorly in potting soil that retains water. Allowing your plant to sit in wet, damp soil can lead to root rot, a common fungal infection that has the potential to kill tropical plants. If the soil your peace lily is planted in shows poor drainage, you may want to switch it to a pot with drainage holes until you can fully repot it.


Peace lilies love hot, humid climates. If your home regularly falls below 55 degrees Fahrenheit, you might notice your peace lily begin to droop and eventually die. Ideally, you should try to keep your home between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Peace lilies also prefer more humid environments. You can simulate the humidity of these plants’ native climates by wiping down their leaves with a damp cloth or spritzing them with distilled water daily during the growing season


You should water your peace lily when the first inch of soil in the plant’s pot has dried out. In most climates, this means about once per week. Overwatering is a frequent problem for peace lily owners, so be judicious when deciding when your plant needs water.

In some areas, tap water contains chemicals that can harm peace lilies. For example, chlorine can cause your plant’s leaf tips to brown. If possible, water and spritz your peace lily using filtered water. Alternatively, you can leave a glass of water on your countertop for a few hours before watering to allow the chlorine to evaporate.


How to Repot Peace Lilies

Peace lilies form strong root bonds and prefer to stay in a single area. If your plant has grown too large for its pot, plan to repot it during the early spring season. 

  1. Choose a new pot that’s 1 to 2 inches wider than your current pot. Choosing a large pot may cause the soil to retain water, leading to root rot.
  2. Water your peace lily an hour before repotting it. This will help make the root ball more manageable during the repotting process.
  3. Place a coffee filter on the bottom of the new pot to cover the drainage holes. Follow it up with fresh potting mix. Use enough soil that, when repotted, the plant’s root ball will sit about 1 inch below the rim of the new pot.
  4. Gripping the peace lily by the stalk, gently lift the plant from its pot. Tease the root ball gently to loosen the soil.
  5. Place the plant into its new container and fill around the rootball with potting soil.
  6. Once you’ve finished adding soil, lightly water the plant to compact the soil. Place additional soil after watering if necessary.
  7. Place the plant in a shady area for a few days to allow it to settle into its new pot. 

You may notice drooping leaves in the next few days after repotting—this is normal. Your plant’s dark green leaves will likely return to full strength within a few days.


How to Propagate Peace Lilies

As your peace lily grows, you may notice offshoot crowns adjacent to the main mother plant. The easiest way to propagate a peace lily plant is by dividing and repotting these crowns in clumps.

  1. Remove the entire peace lily from its container. Locate an adjacent crown with two or more leaves and its own root system.
  2. Separate the crown from the main plant using a pair of scissors. In some sections, you may be able to remove the crown with your hands. You can also cut away a portion of the root ball connected to the crown.
  3. Add about 6 inches of moist potting soil to a new pot.
  4. Fill the pot with potting soil and transfer the crown. Water the plant immediately, and place it in a warm area with access to plenty of indirect light.


How to Make Peace Lilies Flower

Peace lilies can be frustrating when it comes to flowering. Even in ideal conditions, plants outside their native habitats may skip a blooming season. The best way to encourage your peace lily to bloom is by remaining consistent with its care and climate. Ensure your home is kept at a consistent temperature between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity at 50% or higher.

Summer is the peace lily’s blooming season. When your plant begins to bloom, you’ll notice its buds start to uncurl and open over a few days. Make sure to remain patient and consistent in your plant care, and you may see your peace lily produce beautiful buds.


Common Issues with the Peace Lily

While peace lilies are low-maintenance flowering plants compared to true lilies, there are a few common issues you’ll want to be aware of when caring for these plants.

Brown Leaves

If you notice the lush green leaves of your plant turning brown, it usually means that the plant has been exposed to too much direct sun. While peace lilies need bright light, direct light can burn the plant’s leaves and dry them out, resulting in the brown coloring you see. Move your plant to another area of your home that receives indirect light to improve the color of the leaves. 

Yellow Leaves

Drooping, yellowing leaves usually indicate that your plant is overwatered. If your plant’s soil is wet to the touch, avoid watering until it has a chance to dry out. If the plant is severely oversaturated with water, move it to an area where it can drain to avoid root rot.

Cold temperatures can also cause yellow leaves. If your peace lily’s soil is dry but its leaves are still yellow, try moving it to a warmer area of your property.

Pest Problems

Mealybugs and scale insects are two of the most common pests that attack peace lilies. You can prevent these pests from taking up home on your peace lily by regularly wiping the plant’s leaves down with a mixture of water and insecticidal soap. If your plant has a pest problem, it’s best to call the professionals as soon as possible.


Our Recommendation

Peace lilies are an easy flowering plant to care for. Maybe that’s part of why this indoor houseplant has seen a boom in popularity since the beginning of 2022

If you’re a new plant parent looking for an easy way to introduce live flowering plants to your home, the peace lily can be a strong choice. However, know that these plants are notoriously tricky when it comes to blooming. So, be sure your plant gets plenty of indirect light, and use a rich, nutrient-dense potting soil to enjoy the peace lily’s flowering season fully.


Peace Lily FAQ

Is a peace lily a good indoor plant?

Yes, a peace lily can be a good indoor plant, especially if you live in an area known for its high temperatures and humidity levels. Their white flowers and dark green leaves fit effortlessly in most homes, and they’re easy enough for beginners to care for without a significant time commitment.

Where should peace lilies be placed in the house?

Place your peace lily near an east-facing or north-facing window, which will provide it with plenty of indirect light throughout the day. Avoid placing your plant in a south-facing area where sunlight tends to be more intense.

How often should peace lilies be watered?

You should water your peace lily when the first inch of the soil is dry. For most homeowners, this will be about once per week.