Fernando Botero Tackels Abu Ghraib

May 8, 2007

Last year, Latin America’s best known painter released a series of tremendously powerful paintings. “This conduct by the Americans was a total shock for me,” Botero told a Colombian magazine, “I am increasingly sensitive to injustice, which makes my blood boil, and these paintings were born from the anger provoked by this horror.

“I had no commercial intention in painting these works. I produced them purely to say something about the horror. And since all art is communication, it’s more important that they are seen in museums and big public exhibitions than that they are hidden away in the house of a private collector.”




For more, visit http://www.zonaeuropa.com/20050413_2.htm or see Fernando Botero’s book “Abu Ghraib.”

7 Responses to “Fernando Botero Tackels Abu Ghraib”

  1. remy richiez Says:

    me interesa en la forma en que usted se expresa asi a el mundo y en la forma en que trataban a esas personas

  2. jeff Says:

    this guy is a freak

  3. bob Says:

    WHOA this dude is insaner than Captain Insano! What is the deal with him and dudes in women’s clothing? He should be beaten while dressed in women’s clothing. And his stereotypical angry dog offends me at the deepest levels. I do, however, find his painting of the guy peeing on the other two guys strangely erotic.

    • slr Says:

      Inform yourself before posting such comments, he is trying to show people the horrible thing that are happening in Abu Ghraib.
      Greetings, Slr

  4. David Says:

    Take a good look at the inhumane incidents at Abu Ghraib and you will find that ‘this dude’ is really a brilliant artist (whether you like his style or not), trying to convey that the aggressive and inhumane military regime in charge of Abu Ghraib were the insane ones.

    Isn’t that what art should really be about: touching upon socially relevant issues and perhaps confronting us with realities we’d rather ignore?

  5. Hbjpogxd Says:

    Hq1L9z comment1 ,

  6. empire waist clothing and baby doll dresses are the best womens clothing in my opnion _

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