Worst slogan on Earth

British Columbia may have the worst motto on Earth. Since when does being proud of your region turn into Narcissism?

“The Best Place on Earth” is one of those over-the-top self-satisfied slogans that is unbecoming of Canadians (or anyone). We are more used to hearing such things from jingoistic Americans and authoritarian leaders in China.

How many times have you cringed when Americans call their country “The Greatest Country on Earth” or “The Greatest Democracy” or the “Birthplace of Freedom.”

Now some B.C. government officials have jumped on the hype bandwagon and endorsed “The Best Place on Earth.” It is meaningless, and I’m sure feeds into the stereotype that British Columbians are too smug.

(Not to mention: isn’t it illegal to advertise with a claim that can’t be proved?)

I have never understood bragging rights around home geography.  Every time government stationery crosses my desk with its cynical, Olympics-imposed slogan for B.C. “The Best Place on Earth,” I want to scream an apology to all in our biosphere.

Besides being one of most embarrassing bits of sloganeering I’ve ever heard, I’m sure it’s what everyone goes around saying in the Downtown Eastside, or when old-timers remember you could actually regularly catch salmon off our shores or when young people earning minimum wage in the service sector struggle to pay exorbitant rent.

Please, people. Less of “best” and more on “lucky us” for the bounty bequeathed to us. Let us be humble about our good fortune to be able to call this rich space home and not be forced by ill circumstance to have to leave for a less ideal and idyllic place.

2 responses to “Worst slogan on Earth

  1. Pingback: DESPERATION NSW – please come here, we’re great, no really we are! | Richard Tulloch's LIFE ON THE ROAD

  2. British Columbia, The Breast Place on Earth

    November 19, 2008 by Joe Nathan

    In an effort to revitalize the provincial economy, the Government of British Columbia has announced they’re changing the Province’s slogan from “The Best Place on Earth” to “The Breast Place on Earth.”

    The new risque slogan is designed to attract more tourists, especially young males.

    “This is a great day for BC,” said Premier Gordon Campbell at the official press conference this morning. “We’ve tried everything to ignite this struggling economy: lowered the PST, successfully bid for the Winter Olympics, built a grotesquely large convention centre with grass on its roof, and continue to keep homeless people on the streets. Nothing has worked. Hopefully this will give the economy the push-up it needs for the tourism industry.”

    Another reason for the change was ongoing controversy surrounding the original “Best Place on Earth” slogan. Many advocates protested that BC may not in fact be the ‘best’ place on Earth, and could just be a ‘good’ place on Earth.

    Premier Campbell agreed. “Although BC is a great place, it sure doesn’t compare to the beauty of an island like Maui. I have nothing but great memories about Maui. Eating melons and coconuts, sipping on mai tais, and going for sunset drives. Yup, there are no dark clouds over my memories of Maui.”

    When The Daily Seagull questioned the Premier about his 2003 drunk driving conviction in Maui, his response was, “I don’t remember it, because I was too drunk. Therefore, I have no bad memories.”

    Unlike the old slogan, the new version can be validated with two simple words:

    Pamela Anderson.

    The voluptuous sex symbol was born in Comox, BC. She was actually discovered when they showed her figure at a BC Lions game. She was wearing a tight t-shirt, and it truly was The Breast Place on Earth that night.

    VANOC was also excited to hear the news of the new slogan. “That is the breast idea ever,” said John Furlong, head of VANOC. “And I do not pardon the pun!”

    “I promise this will be the breastest Winter Olympics in history,” winked Furlong.

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