My necromancer, CURRENTLY (outdated)

First off this isnt a complaint post. We all know necro is rough. However barring all of its faults im still enjoying the class and the fantasy i want for it, even if its mediocre. My patience will be rewarded, of this im sure.

That said i attached a video of my first key today. Currently my higgest completion is 35, anything past that i just get 1 tapped. Lacking on some ancestral unqies but hope to fix that soon.

Enjoy, dont enjoy, figured itd be a breath of fresh air to just have fun for once.

Im running both CL and Golem so keep in mind those boards arnt working propely atm, however if the playstyle interets you id be happy to share the info of what im going for as the build is still incomplete.

Edit: this is now pretty much outdated. I have another thread called “Blizzard please help this class” which is more up todate.

Keep in mind it is an ARPG so that one can become outdated as well but for now its not.



Your vid pretty much sums up my feelings on my necro. It can do things just a lot more work to get it to than other classes but still doable.


Nice run.

I don’t think you need decompose at all. 1 point in blood mist as a panic button to replace it is nice.

I’m also a fan of BCE over Blight as it reduces corpses on screen and generates essence. Once you’re corpse capped you seem to stop generating more and stop getting additional fortification from that passive as consequence(unless it has been patched in the last few days).


Yea i was talking with someone about this last night.

The reson for decomp is for the bloodless scream coupled with the decomp chain to 2 targets. I run the control glyph when does inc dmg to chilled and frozen targets.

The reason for blight is due to the aspect that pulls them together. Running the golem vul slam with decripfy.

The real con here is that its heavily dependent on minions you know hitting things lol im all in on them.

If they die or the enemies just dont care, as the snake proved, thats it lol.

The idea is that im a debuffing tower, cc galore the heavy lifting is through them.

Its the gamble i choose

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Im running bone golem to make enemies care about him. The taunt has saved me more than once. Doing ok in wt3 so long as i keep my gear upgraded

If you watched the video no amount of taunt was gonna stop that snake lol. Nor does taunts work on butcher.

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I watched a little to see your tactics.
But, like, fair enough. Minions need some help. I wont argue against that

Again this isnt a complaint post. We all know its rough out there no use beating a dead horse lol.

Just sharing my key run and how i play. Ease up the toxicity a bit share some builds you know.

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All about this - make the class you want to play, not the class everyone wants you to play.
My current build uses summon, CE, golem, aotd, bloodmist, decrep — I enjoy it and with reductions/aspects I’m having fun with it … now if a door needs to be broken then not so much, but otherwise for mass dungeon clearings at once I love it lol
Or on legion events/world bosses you realize okay not good, but solo I’m happy with

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how do you use ce/raise skele on ps5? how do you target the corpses?

If you face the general direction of the corpse itll highlight when it can be used. You can still miss it however.

Im running skelies, golem, blood mist, aotd, blight and CE.

Its working pretty good in wt3. As long as i can keep my gear up to date.
With the stun passive for shadow damage blight and CE (combined with frost mages) it can put out a respectable amount of CC.

Ive been able to stunlock treasure goblins long enough to prevent them from escaping and kill them.

Its pretty fun. Very gear dependant though.

Could you maybe make a full build on or d4builds? Would be fun to have something to referance.

Sure i wouldnt mind after im off from work. But keep in mind this build really does not work as minions are in a terrible spot right now. Its heavily dependent on them.

I made a thread called “Blizzard please help this class” which has a video showing off its issues in a 36 key.

I know, but I’m so tired of the bone spear/spirit gameplay I need a change of pace, even if it is for the slower type of pace.

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Hey as long as the disclaimer was given. After work ill go ahead and fill out one for you with the idea of what im trying to do.

Disclaimer received and understood. I played with minions up to about lvl 60 already so I’m not new to the struggle at least.

In the interim refer to this thread. Not trying to put you off on it just being completely transparent.

I just wanted to check out what you had used and then I will most likely swap out Decompose with Blighted CE so there’s some more damage. But its a shame full true summoner is in this state that it is.

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