If you feel comfortable, you’re doing it wrong

3 min readNov 27, 2017

I, like everyone, likes to feel comfortable.

Comfort is nice.
Comfort is easy.
Comfort is also the worst thing you can ever feel.

Progression is hard to have when comfortable.

And even if you progress in a state of comfort, life won’t adhere to your comfort zone at all times.

It WILL shake things up.
It WILL shake you up.

This is what life does, and nothing you do prevents this.

As such, your comfort zone is deceptive.
Even when inside it, you are not safe.

Even protected, you are not.

Of course, this isn’t to say you should live your life on the edge. You don’t have to jump off cliffs or place your life (or family) in danger, all in the pursuit of living out of your comfort zone.

A life less comfortable is far easier than that.
A life less comfortable is the only real comfort there is.

Because to progress is to evolve.
That’s what we’re here for.
Not to simply survive.

We outgrew that long ago.
Even our early relations didn’t adhere to survival.

They explored.
They went in search.
They asked questions.

It’s these questions that lead the human race to thrive.

Right or wrong, we are here due to the questions we seek answers to.

And answers aren’t found in the bubble of comfort you create for yourself.

I, of course, like most people, struggle with this.
I like the idea of progress, but I struggle with change.
I like the idea of excitement, but I also fear fear itself.

I have demons and insecurities, just like everyone else.

And so I try to remain comfortable.
I like comfort.
Comfort is easy.

But it’s all a lie.

There is no comfort.
Not really.
There is no safe, not in life and living.

Anything and everything can happen at any given time.

Your life… gone.
Your love… gone.
Your plans… poof.
Your comfort… no more.

Comfort isn’t the answer.
This isn’t to say danger is.
But what is the answer is to seek more.

Not more as in more “stuff”
But more as in, what comes next.

Complacent kills creativity, business, happiness and everything else.
We struggle with boredom.
We struggle when things grow tedious.

We shake things up because we are in search of an answer.
We are always in search of an answer.

And although we like to think a comfortable life is a good life…
… it is not.

Otherwise, more people would be happy.
Less people would cheat and sabotage.

Comfort creates all this.
Complacency is all that grows within the comfort zone.

And complacency kills, my friend… ALWAYS.

So if you’re comfortable right now, take stock.
You shouldn’t be.
You should not feel comfortable.

You should push yourself and challenge yourself and seek answers to the questions that keep you up at night.

Those questions may or may not differ to mine.
No matter.
They exist.
They exist for YOU.

And it’s your duty to seek them.
(whether you ever find the answer or not)

Comfort won’t make you happy.
Your comfort zone will not protect you.

Push and prod it, and break free.
Make your beat.
Force those big, shaky breaths out.

Stand on the edge, and fear what’s on the other side.

Take it all in.
Allow it to engulf you; at times, hurt you.

This is okay.
This is human.
This is what you need to do.

Stand tall.
Raise that chest.
Take a step… and then another.

Escape your bubble until you build a new one.
And when you do (which you will), repeat this process.

Because you weren’t born to be comfortable.
You don’t exist to survive another day.

You’re here to thrive.
You’re here to be YOU.
You’re here to be fucking awesome!




hi, i’m turndog... a writer/ghostwriter on a mission to ensure you escape the hustle — come be part of the [no hustle] movement → nohustle.co