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NTS Map: 082G15Window Mountain Lake is a beautiful, little alpine cirque at the base of Mount Ward. After entering the forest the trail climbs up to a gap in the trees, offering nice views of Racehorse Creek Vally, Crowsnest Mountain and the Seven Sisters. Shortly thereafter you will encounter a slough which will be dried up by midsummer. The lake is only a bit beyond the slough. There is a trail around the lake and Mount Ward can be scrambled from here(see Kane). It's actually only 1km to the lake, 2km around the lake and 1km back. So, to the lake and back is actually only 2km.


Drive north of Hwy 3 on the Alison Creek road. At 2.7km keep right. At 16.8km (from the hwy) there is a logged area at the bottom of a hill. At the end of the logged area turn left. Drive up this road about 2.5km or as far as is passable. Look for the trailhead sign.*just a note, keeping right at 2.7 km on Alison Creek road will take you onto the Atlas logging road. You will turn left just past the 14 km marker on Atlas, onto a dry creek bed. 4 x 4 will be required to continue to the trailhead.

Total Distance: 4 km

Town: Blairmore, AB

Time: 2 hrs

Type: out-and-back


Activities: hike

Seasons: fall summer

From: Wendy74ca

Last Updated: 2020-06-02 02:06:23

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