extreme facepalm.

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My friend just fb messaged me because her boyfriend continues to act like nothing happened after she told him they’d take a break from being bf/gf. She also told me last time that she wanted to just be close friends with him during this break.



Are you kidding me right now?!

There is no such thing as ‘taking a break’ and behaving as close friends. Continuing to hang out with him and see him. Going to your grandpa’s birthday and going on road trips with someone you’re taking a break from. What kind of logic is that??? No duh he thinks it’s ok to continue to sleep on the same bed with you and bring his luggage. Especially since he’s unwilling to take a break or break up.

Not saying people can’t be friends after breaking up, but this happens after a very long length of time and you have to pretty lucky for it to actually happen. And you guys aren’t even broken up! Just because you don’t kiss or hold hands doesn’t mean you’re not a couple anymore! A relationship is not based solely on physical interaction!!!

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