The Story of My First Beer Pong Game/ Blackout

Growing up in a small suburban town with little to nothing to do, high school students have a tendency to do one of two things: drink alcohol, or smoke weed. Since I was a high school athlete and was too afraid to smoke out of fear of being randomly drug tested, I stuck with drinking. Now high school drinking is much different than college drinking. In high school in order to drink you would have to hope that someone’s older sibling would hook it up, which very rarely happened. Or you would go into whoever’s parent’s stash of alcohol and take a little alcohol out of each bottle, which would leave you with about half a shot of each bottle, if not less. This meant that we never had enough alcohol to play games of any kind. So going into my freshman year of college I had never played beer pong, hell I hadn’t even heard of beer pong. This of course was unacceptable to my new teammates and the first chance they got; they took me to a party to change that!

Now like I have said before, I go to a fairly small school, so when I was told we were going to a party at the golf house I was dumbfounded. I didn’t even know our school had a golf team. That was something I never had to worry about forgetting again. While I don’t know how they played on the course, I do know how they played in their house and it was above par and more like a hole in one! OK enough bad golf jokes and on with the story. We showed up around 10:30 that night and when we got there the party was in full swing. Upstairs people were smoking and playing video games, as well as watching the drunken girls in full clothing splash around in the hot tub, which was located on the porch. Downstairs there was dancing, drinking and beer pong, all of my soon to be favorite things. In the garage they had two beer pong tables set up with a giant tub of jungle juice between the two tables. If you don’t know what jungle juice is, let me explain.

Jungle Juice is essentially any and all left over alcohol from previous parties mixed in with some juice, usually a jug or two of Tampico, depending on the size and amount of Jungle Juice being made. Oh half a bottle of tequila, throw it in, quarter bottle of rum, sure why not, fifth of Jack, even better. You get the idea, the more that is added the more deadly it becomes. Worst of all you can’t taste anything but juice, so two-four cups in plus shots; you are facing a very dangerous night. It was nearing the end of the night and after hours of drinking and dancing, my teammates decided it was time for me to play my first game of beer pong. They partnered me up with my hot RA, better known as resident assistant, Kenny who I had a massive crush on and watched the following events unfold. After playing for about ten minutes, I was doing pretty well, something my teammates called “beginner’s luck.” Next thing I knew Kenny and I had one cup left and the other team had three. Last I remembered we were tied at 6 cups to 6 cups, I had blacked out! The other team was in possession of the balls. First shot miss, second shot made it and in order to stay in the game we had to make a rebuttal shot. Kenny went first and missed, it was all up to me and I came through making one of the cups. The other team then missed both shots and then it was our turn again. Kenny and I each made a cup and the game was tied one to one. Under pressure, the other team missed both shots, and it was our turn again.

Kenny went first again and missed so again it was all up to me. I wanted to impress him so I pulled myself together as much as I could, threw the ball and waited…it made it! Now all we needed to secure the win was for the other team to miss their rebuttal. First shot was a miss; I was so excited I couldn’t stand it. Unfortunately the second shot was made. After missing our two shots Kenny and I were put on the defensive. Getting ready to blow out any spinning balls, I slightly leaned over the table…bad decision. When the other team threw the ball, it hit my forehead, rolled down my face and rolled off my boob into the cup. I was devastated, with everyone around us laughing it was difficult to concentrate and we both missed our rebuttal shots and lost the game. Kenny was furious and wouldn’t look at me and my teammates were dying of laughter. It was a while before I played beer pong again or drank jungle juice. My teammates never got over it and neither did Kenny because when I sent him a facebook friend request a couple weeks later, I was promptly denied.

For those of you wondering no we are still not facebook friends and the next time I saw him, he ignored me the whole night.

What do you think?