Falwell’s 2008 Shadow

INSERT DESCRIPTIONSenator John McCain and Jerry Falwell at Liberty University last year. (Photo: Josh Meltzer for The New York Times)

Back in 2000, when he was trying to appeal to moderates, Senator John McCain positioned himself against the religious right. His chief targets were Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, whom he described as “agents of intolerance.”

This time around, as he again seeks the Republican presidential nomination, Senator McCain is now in the opposite position — trying to appeal to the religious right, not demonize it. This comes from experience: the conservative base tends to have a disproportionate voice in picking the presidential nominee.

So as Mr. McCain has been gearing up for his latest campaign, he has been mending fences with those on the right. Among those he wanted to get right with was Mr. Falwell.

With Mr. Falwell’s death today, and a debate scheduled for tonight among the Republican presidential candidates, among the likely topics will be how well the candidates meet the tests of the Christian conservatives who owe their clout to Mr. Falwell.

Most of the 10 Republican candidates appear to be largely in accord with the party’s conservative base. But the three who are leading in the polls — Rudolph W. Giuliani, the former mayor of New York, Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, and Mr. McCain — have not been natural allies of the religious right.

Jerry Falwell and President Ronald Reagan in 1987. (Photo: Barry Thumma/Associated Press)

Mr. Giuliani, a Roman Catholic, supports abortion rights and civil unions for gays, two positions unacceptable to Mr. Falwell. In a statement today, Mr. Giuliani said of Mr. Falwell, “He was a man who set a direction. He was someone who was not afraid to speak his mind.”

Mr. Romney, a Mormon, in the past has supported abortion rights but is now against them. He has courted the support of the religious right and even met with Mr. Falwell last year. While another evangelical leader, James Dobson, had questioned whether Christian evangelicals could support a Mormon for president, Mr. Falwell said that he could, if he agreed with that person on social and moral issues.

Of the three, Mr. McCain has the most history with Mr. Falwell. In 2000, Mr. McCain suggested that his opponent, George W. Bush, was conducting a smear campaign against him, with the aid of religious extremists.

“Neither party should be defined by pandering to the outer reaches of American politics and the agents of intolerance, whether they be Louis Farrakhan or Al Sharpton on the left, or Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell on the right,” Mr. McCain said at the time.

After the campaign, Mr. McCain continued to take positions that were antithetical to the right, opposing, for example, a federal constitutional ban on gay marriage.

But as he prepared for his race this time around, Mr. McCain began massaging his positions, not just on social issues but on economic issues like tax cuts. In 2006, he reached out to Mr. Falwell, telling him he had spoken “in haste” in 2000.

Mr. Falwell seemed to accept Mr. McCain’s conversion and invited him to speak at the graduation last year at Liberty University, which Mr. Falwell founded.

“By all means, let us argue,” Mr. McCain told the graduates. “But let us remember, we are not enemies.” He added: “I have not always heeded this injunction myself, and I regret it very much.”

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I’m sorry for his friends and family. I’m sorry that he has died.

But I will not miss Rev. Falwell or his psychotic perversion of the Christian faith for political purposes. He personally championed an entire way of thinking about liberals, gays, anyone he deemed unworthy of respect, that persists today. It will probably take an entire generation of time for the damage to be undone…or at least diminished. Time after time, he displayed an ignorance of American society that few others could have equaled.

To his loved ones, I offer my condolences. But to the rest of the world, I offer an exhale of relief at never again having to suffer one of his orations that demean myself and many other people who never deserved it.

I am not an evangelical, nor do I consider myself a social conservative. Nonetheless, I assess the impact of Jerry Falwell upon the U.S. and its political scenery to have been of tremendous and lasting value.

He awakened the sleeping giant of the religious right and gave voice to the previously-silent and politically incorrect notion that Christians and others of religious faith have a right to be heard, not only at the ballot box, but also in the public forum.

Disagreeing often with his attempts to “return the country to a Judaeo-Christian ethic”, I opine that he successfully transformed speech about “God” from a political and public profanity into a legitimate and acceptable term of discourse among competing ideologies.

How the Republican candidates deal with Rev. Falwell’s legacy tonight will be a measure of their truthfulness and belief about the place of religion in the public square. I sincerely hope it does not become an occasion marked by pandering speech or dissimulation.

The Robertson legacy will live on in the form of thousands of lawyers salting the whole legal system with a pathological dyslexia to “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”.

Perley J. Thibodeau May 15, 2007 · 7:29 pm

Jerry Falwell died so that others might live: their own lives in their own ways.

The only thing interesting to speculate regarding Mr. Falwell is how many dead gays, lesbians, Katrina and 9-11 victims will be waiting to get a piece of this overblown bigot in the afterlife. Good luck, Jerry. While you are waiting at the gates of wherever, start practicing, “I am so sorry!”. Rest in peace? Not likely.

The Republican candidates for President can learn from the life of Rev. Jerry Falwell.He was a man who was not afraid to speak out on controversial issues.He defended the life of the unborn with courage and conviction.He had great faith in the Lord and supported candidates who shared his moral beliefs.The GOP should nominate a candidate who has the strength and courage to speak out for faith in God and for the sanctity of life.

Hope with exit of Mr Falwell from the scene the contenders would’nt have to ‘change their caps’ to seek his base and consequently should reduce the influence of religion in the state matters.

Falwell’s greatest contribution to political science and religious marketing: he proved the power of controlling a database filled with millions of names of people so simple minded that they questioned evolution, and believed the Earth was created no more than 10,000 years ago. Armed with a database like that, he had an army of unquestioning faithful who would give him money regularly, vote as he told them to, and believe as he that gays represented a morally depraved albeit tragic lifestyle, and that abortion – to kill a two inch fetus after having sex with a man – was murder, even if the man had been your uncle, brother, father, or a rapist. Falwell was all about authoritarianism, manipulation, right wing monetary greed, and my-way-or-the-highway arrogance. While he mellowed somewhat in his later years, uttering less vitriole and less pretentions of moral superiority, he never jettisoned his jingoistic pro-business preaching stance…It served him well; built him an empire.

Falwell the story is almost made for Hollywood: He was the son of a man who shot his own brother, Cain and Abel style, alcohol probably involved. A New York Yankees fan, he flew the ministry jet to attend one game of the 1978 World Series…He wasn’t so famous then and he sat in the Upper Deck beside a group of young men who passed a joint around…Needless to say, he didn’t indulge. Nor did he complain. He ignored it.

To no 6 (Shawn M. Hussey): Jerry Falwell was a hate-filled bigot. He will not be missed. Thankfully, more and more people are giving up belief in god as they realize it’s a delusion. If you want bigots are card-bearers for your party, good for you.

There is no god.

If there is a God one can only hope that He/She/It is Black and Gay — and will pass judgment on Falwell in person.

It will be fun to watch the reaction of noted Falwell adversary McCain during the action tonight. JF had a silent impact on plenty of the ’08 GOP candidates

His Bible seemed to be missing these verses:
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul. and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. –Matt. xxii 35-40.

But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.Matthew vi, 12

I never liked Jerry Falwell. He was an overweight bigot who fainly tried to shield his bigotry under the sanctified name of Jesus. In the Bible, Jesus is quoted as saying: “Love one another as I have loved you.” But Jerry Falwell and his ilk only really loved people who looked like, thought like, acted like and believed like, he believed, or believed and/or accepted his rigid philosophical world view. For a man who claimed Jesus as his savior, he supported right wing reactionaries like the Apartheid government of South Africa, UNITA in Angola, in case anyone forgot or doesn’t know.

He was on the wrong side of the Civil Rights movement, in case anyone forgot. Yes, for a man who claimed to love Jesus, the good Reverend Falwell was on the side of the cross-burners.

He vainly tried to threaten Jesse Jackson and African-Americans in 1983, by intimating that for every African-American voter that Rev. Jackson registers, he will go out and register 10 Caucasian voters. Did anyone in the so-called liberal media, ask him what he meant by that threat? But I am sure, the NY Times wouldn’t dare call Jerry Falwell a racist.

He never advocated for the poor or the weak, but he was always found supporting the rich and the powerful. Yet, he claimed to be a student of Jesus.

He was one of this nation’s biggest Islamphobe’s. He supported Israeli aggression against Palestinians because most Palestinians are Muslims, but he never said a word for the Palestinian Christians who also suffer under Israeli occuption.

Jerry Falwell, a hyprocrite and an overweight bigot who died of a heart attack/heart failure. Given the malice that was in his heart, it is no wonder that his heart failed. A sign to all that believe in the signs of God.

Ngozo Saba

Mr. Falwell was not religious, not was he spiritual. He was a fraud.

God is not in church. Religion, so-called, as he espoused it, is not religion, but political propaganda. Unfortunately, he pandered to the worst in people….self-righteousness, smugness, holier than thou-ness…., preaching to ignorant fools who think that “morality” has to do with buying guns, going to church, and praying with their “own kind”. No one who understands The Love That Surpasses All Understanding can have beliefs filled with so much darkness.

His family deserves sympathy, not so much for his death, but for the way he lived his life and the damage he did with his angry, judgmental words.

When the television cameras were not on, Falwell ran a Sunday School class just like an ordinary teacher. But once the TV cameras came on, he was a different animal, sometimes sounding like a infomercial performer. That contradiction means that people had very different views of the man, regardless of this theological views.

Jerry Falwell was a man of sincere religious, beliefs, who founded an organization made up of people with sincere religious beliefs, who sincerely intend to enact those religious beliefs into law and impose them on every American, whether those beliefs are shared or not.

Falwell is without a doubt one of the main reasons we are stuck with such a silly president.

One always has mixed feelings when a person of Falwell’s stature passes away. With Pat Robertson and the evangelical genre, I’m sure there will be a person as strident and polarizing as Mr. Falwell who will carry the torch and somehow use religion to divide people versus embracing all of God’s children regardless of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, and whether they consider themselves to be “Christian”. Politicians curry favor to people like Falwell becuase they feel it whips up the emotions of their base, but they eschew the consequences to a system of governance that must be based upon tolerance and respect for dissenting beliefs.

Jerry Falwell will obtain a first-hand answer to the one question he has never known (for certain) the answer. Is there an after life and if there is, will Jerry Falwell been welcomed there? There probably is some sort of journey one’s soul takes upon departure from this earthly place. However, if a life has been built upon dividing people, ostracizing groups, and demonizing others because they do not share “THE Truth”, then the best I can offer you, Mr. Falwell, is my forgiveness for the sins you have committed on others.

Maybe we will all get a sign from Rev. Falwell, or perhaps God will intervene and warn us not to seek out false idols.

By the way to all those who’d like to throw their first stone, how’s your heart doing? Because if you stress out too much about Falwell at this point, you’re tempting a heart attack for no good reason. This might be a good reminder to go get that EKG you’ve been procrastinating on…

I wrote it a few minutes ago but I’d like to amend it, I hope Rev. Falwell learns from his mistakes, and I think the life of a dolphin is a step up from human in a lot of ways. Rest in Peace fella.

His comments about 9/11 made me ashamed to be an American.

Farewell,Fair Well, Falwell,
You professed your faith to the best of your ability. Rest in Peace.

I hate to be so blunt, but, I’m sure glad he’s dead.

God bless you and may there be another 1 million Dr Falwells to take you place!

What a precious compassionate man of integrity who had love and courage to stand for what the Bible teaches.

May Liberyu Mountain be Blessed with more who will lift uo the croos of Christ to a dying world, that others may have the choice to accept or reject the teachings of Christ.

John 3:16

I am a strong roman catholic,I totally agreed the Rev. Fallwell. Contrary to the media the word o f God is the truth, whether we believe it or no t. God will have the final word for all of us

I’ve read the hate directed toward JF today. He stood up and spoke out for what he believed. Bully for Jerry!(MLK did the same thing.) This is America.

People hated Jerry Falwell. So what. So the athesists rant. Who cares? Some gays (not all) celebrated his death? Sure, but they’re small group.

I’m dedicated to the mission of the Messiah prior to Jerry’s death and after regardless of opinions.

For many Christ followers reading the hate today will only create a new level of boldness,love and fervency. Yes, love.

To that extent, it’s been a very good day for The Cause.